They’re all so damaged they’re incapable of showing any real emotion to each other
They’re all so damaged they’re incapable of showing any real emotion to each other
Jeremy Strong does more acting with just a look than half of Hollywood with the best script they were ever handed. When Naomi left? OMG
There is a writer over at Vulture had a take on that conversation that made a lot of sense-
Roman was making an ernest attempt to be sincere (he was just held hostage and they were ridiculing him on sight) but honesty requires a level of vulnerability and self reflection that none of them are capable of. Even tho Killah Kendall (who literally killed someone) mocked him, Roman still silently reached out to…
“I love you, I do, I just wonder if — I wonder if the sad I’d be without you would be less than the sad I get from being with you.”
Also, can we talk about Roman’s request to have an actual conversation with his siblings after going through a traumatic ordeal only to be met with baby talk, “Oh, does wittle baby want to talk about his feewings?”
I think it was last season’s finale that Greg intimates to Kendall that he has some documents to protect himself. As to Greg being Kendall’s shadow, I understood it as him taking up his previous role as Kendall’s babysitter, watching after him.
Great episode. I can’t say I was surprised by the twist, as in a season finale, there would almost have to be one, and the “previously on” showed Greg taking the documents, so with him alone with Kendall, yeah, the latter was going to throw someone else under the bus. Though I did very briefly wonder if Kendall after…
You read it wrong. It doesn’t make sense that Logan would have Kendall do the chopping after he removed him from the company, and the things you note as evidence of a Logan/Kendall plot can more simply be explained as reactions to Kendall pulling a double-cross. (Succession, thankfully, doesn’t do double-bank-shot…
I know Jeremy Strong deserves every golden statue on the planet atm but major snaps to Kieran Culkin as well; I was near tears when Roman and Kendall had that silent exchange at the table.
Nope, he tells Kendall after Kendall asks him where to get drugs at Tom’s wedding.
Nah, you’re not the only one whose floated that idea around but I just don’t buy it. I think people like to believe Logan is more of a mastermind than he really is. I fully believe he intended Kendall to take the fall. He has no idea about what Greg’s been hiding. But is he proud that one of his children was capable…
> Of course Kendall is going to snap.
‘- When did Greg tell him about the incriminating documents he saved?’
I got such a huge kick out of both the Midday News and War Letters segments. The basic premise wasn’t that complicated in either of them, but they managed to just pull of this increasing craziness in them that carried both sketches to the finish. Day trying to juggle all the half-news from his wife was especially…
Man, you have forced this show into something that makes sense! Great job, have a drink and take the day off :)
Basic timeline -
Good catch regarding E = Eddie. I thought the baby would make a future appearance, too, since, you know, it’s The Affair, which really at this point should be renamed The Coincidence.
That was Luisa? If it was said during the scene I missed hearing her name, and I was madly trying to figure out why Cherry Lockhart was around. I also am astonished that Luisa stuck around, and being that the case, why Joanie, who clearly loved her last season, barely acknowledges her when she visited.