Windmills, primarily, but also some straw men.
Windmills, primarily, but also some straw men.
the cynic in you is dumb
Mock him all you like, but there’s a pretty good chance he’s seen the nuclear codes.
Oh shit, I might have bumped into Kid Rock tonight!
Which is weird, given The Simpsons has already done a Westworld thing, one that lasted an entire episode and is one of the series’ all-time greats, but I guess 1994 was long enough ago (and the modern HBO series so different) that they feel like they can do it all over again and newer viewers won’t even notice.
I’ve never heard this story. By virtue of that, I'd have never gone looking for it. Is it that hard to just scroll on by?
And I would still just change the system clock to one year later, so the enemy died of old age.
This is fantastic content right here. 10/10
I’m too afraid to start a game that I know is just going to get cancelled after two levels.
I had flashbacks to Robert Durst belching every time he knows he’s in hot water. With Jones, it’s incredible how the cough vanishes once he’s got to devote serious mental energy to trying to get himself out of the mess he’s made. It makes it so clear how the coughing was a clear yet pathetic tactic to interrupt the…
Wild that so many people still have trouble understanding this concept.
Monopolies are bad
I think it’s really acute in situations where the particular character or IP is very old, and was founded decades ago when either conditions were very different or when the content creator themselves wasn’t trying to make a very fine tuned statement about society.
I think history has demonstrated time and again that there’s always another Hitler.
The vaccines were never designed to keep you from getting the illness. The strong protection against infection was just a delightful side effect. The vaccines are meant to keep you alive and out of the hospital.
The marathon runners and peak fitness people who caught COVID and died would beg to differ that being less…
My mother in law going through chemo who got covid and survived- most likely because of being vaccinated- would disagree with you.
Yes. She also made other poor life decisions if the cigarette and toeless sneakers are any indication.
Second Life. She dug my wizard avatar...
I don’t know you, but I am proud of you.
A few friends had a similar conversation with me not too long ago. I went to rehab and everything, and have been sober since. It really is crazy how much your life improves if you just let it. About to hit my 6 months sobriety date, which I know isn’t that long, but for me it’s a lifetime.