Because, as devotees of a crude, inhumane wahhabist sewer religion, they’re indifferent to the death of inoccent infidels at the hands of glorious and blessed martyrs? Perhaps? Do you think they care about the optics? You’re overthinking this.
Because, as devotees of a crude, inhumane wahhabist sewer religion, they’re indifferent to the death of inoccent infidels at the hands of glorious and blessed martyrs? Perhaps? Do you think they care about the optics? You’re overthinking this.
I vote repub to one day slit throats of people like you. Why do you think we love the 2nd amendment, own guns and are NRA members? Because people like YOU don’t!
yet voting for Clinton would be better? do you know by now there would be 10,000 syrian refugees already moved over here.
There is no time to come up with a platform when you’re too busy becoming Alex Jones clones, except in the mainstream instead of on a weird corner of the internet and radio dial.
I am sorry but if the graduation rate of black students there is 44% you are represented and you have the respect. You are not a minority there. So stop blaming everything you have to go through life on history instead also on yourself.
History in my opinion is a pretty weak excuse for segregation especially when you are talking about 20+ year old teens. I am sorry but as a German i am getting really tired of peopletrying to guilt otherpeople with history they had nothing to do with. You are only responsible for your own actions not of your…
The only thing this guy taught me is leave the mountain be. Nothing about the limits of what I can and cannot do.
Philly is my Stalin and the Cowboys are Hitler.
It’s like these idiots don’t understand basic economics! Here’s a little tip, you fucking morons. A supply and demand crash course—are you ready for it? Instead of trying to sell Steph Curry signature sneakers, a product no one needs or wants—maybe try selling a product EVERYONE needs and wants. It’s called the free…
It has become very apparent to me that like you have the quarterback, the guy that protects the quarterback (offensive tackle), the guy to sack the quarterback (defensive end) and the guy who intercepts the quarterback (cornerback). Those are the four positions that teams should be drafting high in the first round.…
But why are we not allowed to make fun of or be mad about just one religion? You can be angry about the christian-gay thing all day but if you say something against islam then you are a bigot.
For my own $.02, I think probably, if you went far enough into the Old Testament rules, you’d find some pretty archaic rules about what women should wear, but (so far as I can tell) people don’t observe any of that today. Dressing modestly is probably the closest analogue you could draw, but at the same time I’ve yet…
A woman wearing a hijab is like a person wearing a swastika
“Non-Muslims telling Muslims what to wear”
An update: Along with 75 percent of voters in that poll, the hosts are actually on the right side of the question here.
I’m maybe (actually, “probably”) giving Barkley too much credit here, but I took his comments to mean “we shouldn’t be sitting here looking in at his grief. It’s wrong, this guy needs to be with his family, not thrust into being a spectacle for thousands in person, and millions on TV.” Which is how I felt. Maybe he…
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j.d. drew can still go fuck himself by the way (not that Philadelphians condone battery throwing at anyone). Few bad apples like every other city.
And he left the stage with Philadelphia’s adoration. Philadelphia may be filled with assholes, but they know they’re assholes and enjoy being called on it.