Piece of Smit

No, what’s depressing is that it took Donald Fucking Trump to make good on Barack Obama’s promise that chemical weapons were a ‘red line’ that , when crossed, would result in direct repercussion- not a couple hundred SOC ghouls keeping Kurds and Turks apart. The ONLY response to the use of WMD- by anyone- is an

1/ We want people to ice down their war boners.

huh? I hate Trump and all, but holy fuck this is the right decision. I’m not understand ultra Liberals right now. Like Trump, you keep sending mixed signals. “We need to stand up for people in Syria!!!!”... “No wait. We need to focus on our problems first!”

While I’m certainly not itching for World War 3, I’m a little sympathetic to some people who see this as a preferable alternative to the previous Syria policy of “Maybe Assad will get bored of killing his own people?” even if it risks larger problems.

If we’re so slow, how come we caught and enslaved you?

Absolutely no different than Obama making the same decisions in 2009...

Not my president’s trophy

Loved watching Jimmy play for the Phillies! A truly great talent and he should be very proud of his career. Would love to see him make the Hall of Fame.

Really seems like he should have kicked it harder...

+1 atomic leg drop.

+ 32 million dollar settlment

“it’s pretty obviously time for everyone involved here to take a step back and relax before something happens that everyone regrets.”

I still miss Grantland. It was a good thing.

One day a font will be invented with smoke coming from it, to indicate the hotness of the takeness.


you’re underselling Sheed here

I’ll admit the vast majority of my enjoyment comes from the suffering of their massive, globe-spanning bandwagon fanbase.

Putting on airs to try and act dignified while you lose on purpose for a CHANCE of not getting dunked on by SAM FUCKING HINKIE (from beyond the grave, no less!) is too delicious not to savor.

this is year 3 of their tank. Its just no one paid it any attention.

Thanks for the hot take mr cowherd

I agree wholeheartedly that we shouldn’t craft policy to kowtow to a xenophobic, and very vocal minority, but I also think we shouldn’t craft policy based on any bigotry. HamNo is a bit of a bigot, as he often likes to paint those he feels oppose him in rather broad strokes, and many of his points hang on this

So, you feel it isn’t alright for people to insult others based on there differences, yet felt the need to insult me because my opinion differs from yours?