Piece of Smit

An update: Along with 75 percent of voters in that poll, the hosts are actually on the right side of the question here.

I’m maybe (actually, “probably”) giving Barkley too much credit here, but I took his comments to mean “we shouldn’t be sitting here looking in at his grief. It’s wrong, this guy needs to be with his family, not thrust into being a spectacle for thousands in person, and millions on TV.” Which is how I felt. Maybe he

j.d. drew can still go fuck himself by the way (not that Philadelphians condone battery throwing at anyone). Few bad apples like every other city.

They should really hold the draft at Pat’s Steaks, because every NFL broadcast has to show a clip from there when they come back from the commercial break.

And he left the stage with Philadelphia’s adoration. Philadelphia may be filled with assholes, but they know they’re assholes and enjoy being called on it.

Viewer: “Philadelphia has tremendous upside potential, but a lot of character concerns.”

Its so dumb to get mad about this. No one can change the fact that Philadelphia is known foremost for an internationally adored boxing movie. Seriously, this side of Star Wars, I cant think of a single movie that has the cultural impact Rocky does. Ive bumped into tourists from all over the world who are in

No, what’s depressing is that it took Donald Fucking Trump to make good on Barack Obama’s promise that chemical weapons were a ‘red line’ that , when crossed, would result in direct repercussion- not a couple hundred SOC ghouls keeping Kurds and Turks apart. The ONLY response to the use of WMD- by anyone- is an

1/ We want people to ice down their war boners.

huh? I hate Trump and all, but holy fuck this is the right decision. I’m not understand ultra Liberals right now. Like Trump, you keep sending mixed signals. “We need to stand up for people in Syria!!!!”... “No wait. We need to focus on our problems first!”

While I’m certainly not itching for World War 3, I’m a little sympathetic to some people who see this as a preferable alternative to the previous Syria policy of “Maybe Assad will get bored of killing his own people?” even if it risks larger problems.

If we’re so slow, how come we caught and enslaved you?

Absolutely no different than Obama making the same decisions in 2009...

Not my president’s trophy

Loved watching Jimmy play for the Phillies! A truly great talent and he should be very proud of his career. Would love to see him make the Hall of Fame.

Really seems like he should have kicked it harder...

+1 atomic leg drop.

+ 32 million dollar settlment