you’re underselling Sheed here
you’re underselling Sheed here
I’ll admit the vast majority of my enjoyment comes from the suffering of their massive, globe-spanning bandwagon fanbase.
Putting on airs to try and act dignified while you lose on purpose for a CHANCE of not getting dunked on by SAM FUCKING HINKIE (from beyond the grave, no less!) is too delicious not to savor.
this is year 3 of their tank. Its just no one paid it any attention.
Thanks for the hot take mr cowherd
I agree wholeheartedly that we shouldn’t craft policy to kowtow to a xenophobic, and very vocal minority, but I also think we shouldn’t craft policy based on any bigotry. HamNo is a bit of a bigot, as he often likes to paint those he feels oppose him in rather broad strokes, and many of his points hang on this…
So, you feel it isn’t alright for people to insult others based on there differences, yet felt the need to insult me because my opinion differs from yours?
Nope, democracy in its modern form is “hold a vote, and whichever side of angry uninformed people gets the most people to show up wins on whatever issue.”
So HamNo, considering you seem to have a negative view of democracy, what form of governance would you prefer?
Maybe he just got given cash for bailing out Wall Street and giving bonuses to the investment bankers that nearly destroyed the global economy.
I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I actually agree with Trump on that. It’s not up to us to dictate what solution works best for them. If we really give a shit about peace in that part of the world, we should be saying “Look, we don’t really give a shit whether you have one state, two, or 47 so long as you can…
This is how you get a President of the United States saying, in regards to Israel and Palestine, that “I’m looking at two states and one state, I like the one that both parties like,” for example.
As a Sixers fan, Ilyasova was hard to watch between apathetic defense and randomly pulling up early in the shot clock. Opening the starting 4 spot for Dario seemed like an obvious move that needed to happen given how they’ve looked since Christmas
To recap: Hinkie drafted Jerami Grant with a second round pick; Grant was then flipped for Ilyasova and a first round pick; Ilyasova now flipped for two second rounders and something called Tiago Splitter.
Fuck You, HamNo.
You. Are. High. Seriously, this is the most insane, class-warfare-y thing I’ve ever read. If your entire argument is to take money away from anyone who’s doing well to redistribute it to the poor, then why would anyone ever want to work hard and make money?? Ok, so you start at the billionaires, then what? Then…
By your logic, every day you decide that your cell phone is more important than Mr. Starving Homeless Wretch’s life. The same goes for very pair of shoes you own after your first, the slice of pie you had after dinner, and that vacation you took last summer. Sure, there’s a financial gap between you and a billionaire,…
If only those selfish billionaires would get on board, we would be living in a litetal utopia with no inequality anywhere.
Did Drew help you out with this? I’m subtle getting hints of Magary in this piece...
Sometimes, I get the feeling that HamNo leans a little to the left.