Piece of Smit

Actually “CEO” is a term that means “Chief Executive Officer”, and is usually the title of the person who leads a company, may it be big or small. Sometimes they scam their way to the top, but sometimes it actually does take hard work and accomplishment. Also they may not do the day-to-day nitty gritty, but managing

Your logic seems reasonable, but do you have any statistics to back this up? I was under the impression that nearly all population growth in CA over the past 20 years or so can be attributed to minority groups- not exactly rust belt demographics.

The face of the club is pointing directly to the left of the target line, in a perfect closed position for that point in the swing. His arms are fully extended, and his weight has shifted onto his left side. His head remains down and in proper position behind the impact area. In short, a very good-looking swing.

Well one major problem is that arabs generally tend to destroy things while Jews generally tend to build things.

Citing the old testament as historical evidence of genocide? That’s a bold strategy, Cotton; let’s see if it pays off for them.

Name George W. Bush’s speechwriter. Do it now. Since they are all public figures, you should be able to.

Getting slapped down by Ted Cruz wasn’t enough for you guys? You have to go after Simmons too?

Can we get him Chinanu Onuaku’s phone number?

One time I saw Donald Trump and made a bunch of assumptions then wrote a story about it. Great.


Poetry sucks.

It’s pretty hilarious that Russia aimed to discredit Clinton not by making up lies, but by revealing the truth about her campaign and the DNC. I’m still not sure why there isn’t more outrage about the truths revealed than the way they were revealed. But I guess butthurt democrats haven’t gotten to acceptance yet.

“Welcome to Deadspin, where sports are Bad(!) and everything is a political conversation.”

This is an awful article.

Don’t forget the electoral college. Damn that electoral college.

You are making too much sense for Kinja. All these clowns want to believe in Russian hacker propaganda.

How about it’s because Hillary was a corrupt cunt who made for the shittiest possible candidate. Oh, and Bernie would have gotten his fucking ass kicked too. Fuck off, liberal crybabies. Brace yourself for a Republican supermajority and eight great years of Trump! #MAGA

“How America’s Idiotic War On Slavery May Have Given Us President Grant” - Clay Travis


OK I'll say it. I clicked on your click-baity headline, and found your article mundane. Most of what is written these days is. That's not intended to be critical: the fault is hardly in your stars alone.

Because Gawker is doesn't like it when people call them on their bullshit. They can do it to everyone else but levelling the same criticism against them is blasphemy!