Piece of Smit

Lol why does that matter? All the white dudes worshipping bronchitis joe were weird, that’s undeniable. So joe had mad hot wives, but no backstory of why or why I should give a fuck about them, made the entire movie/chase stupid. Nothing about that movie makes me understand the craze it gets from this site and the

I don't get it. I just saw the movie a couple days ago, and I thought it was terrible. Honest to god tell me the fascination with this movie? It was sooo stupid, and weird. Really, it was god awful

Fuck you, Burneko

Get Burneko out here so I can tell him to go fuck himself

You are actually narrowing your viewpoints by reading this dreck. It's laughably bias, and absolute crap. Fuck this site and its readers. Fucking dummies

Shut up, you fucking dummy

Fuck you, jia. You naive dumb bitch

Fuck you, Burneko

Thank you. This place can take people that make sense

You’re wrong numb nuts. The justices who dissented, based it on the constitution. It's a state right not a federal issue. Justices making huge decisions based basically on emotion and social pressure is really dangerous, and stupid.

More like, understand what their job is and uphold the little thing called the constitution. Congrats on today, but supreme justices making rulings based on will and emotion is a very dangerous thing

Fuck you, Dave. Hope something terrible happens to you and first responders must help. But that won’t happen bc they are great and courageous people that will do their job no matter what. Best case scenario - something awful DOES happen to you and first responders do show up but aren’t needed bc you are DOA. fuck you

I'm not from Boston and hate their fans. I get conjecture, but why the fuck do you think it's cool or funny to say that about Boston. How is it a shit town? You sounds like a fucking moron

You are just lying to yourself if you don’t basically agree with Benoit. Give me a a break about Olympic winter game sports that you watch for A WEEK AND A HALF. Every single sport men and women play is exponentially better on the men's side. Hence the women's sports are a poor product in comparison and essentially

Fuck you Burneko, you pathetic loser

Fuck you Burneko, you pathetic dope

Wish the franklin logo was more akin to the celtics logo. Fierce dribbling Ben already seems dated

Sick humble brag, bro

Fuck you, Burneko

What did legs do to that was so controversial? You fucking over sensitive sissies