Piece of Smit

Your mom

The people do have a say. ELECT THE RIGHT PEOPLE INTO OFFICE!! They are the ones that represent the people. It's like no one has ever had a history class on this site

Lol your coverage of this is funny. WOMENS RIGHTS!!!....that's what this is about. No one, and I mean no one could care about group who gives a shit unless USA is involved. Deadspin is terrible

“They were right”

Paul pierce is criminally over rated

I love deadspin’s domestic violence agenda. Fucking loooove it. They will stop at nothing to bad mouth everyone rumored or otherwise

Fuck you Burneko. Fuckin piece of shit hack.

First off all, shut up. Second of all we did get “rewarded” with the number three pick. It's not like the other picks just vanish, they carry over. The process is gonna torch the league soon enough. Hinkie babay, HINKIE!!!

PREACH!! thank you


Yes. Duh.

Lol I know, unreal timing. Still didn't eat her with a stick or drop kick her

And people think philly fans are bad, sheesh!

Fuck you Burneko. You suck immensely

I'm not following the disrespect. Pretty cool shirt if you ask me. But I won't wear it, it's probably like $50. Now that's outrageous.

You must have been one of them hippy scum that spit on the vets when they came back from Vietnam

Couldn't agree more.

Please please please shut the fuck up. You are a complete moron. You would probably suck mumia’s dick given the chance. People like you are pathetic

+1 *clapping vigorously*

Great one! That was my nickname when I played backyard football with my friends