Piece of Smit



Haha, I can just imagine the amount of suck you spew day in and day out to people that don't give a shit. Just remember, you are meaningless and everyone hates you. I bet you were a 99% protester too. Get a life jitbag

haha, nah. Now shut your mouth and go to bed, the adults are talking

nah, you're wrong. Go suck a dick

Well said, Luol!!

it's remarkable how often situations like this happen on this "non bias" tell it how it is site. They act as if they are the moral and correct barometer for every social and sport event

You're a dipshit, Ley

football > women nuff said

please. Elaborate

gotcha. Thanks

well, you did great kid. Have a great life.

whoa, whoa, whoa, Indian and tribe are derogatory??? son of a bitch. I had by doubts too...

really? That's dumb as shit

what does "+1" mean? I see it all the time, I need a clear

you should quit hanging out with so many racist people. Btw mike Vick was wholly accepted by Philly, and the hate towards mcnabb isn't race related, he's just a huge dork. You probably looooove skip bayless too

eh, I liked TB, but his schtick got old. They are a younger bunch of guys, who appreciate the fans more and have better off sports topics sometimes thrown in. Mikey miss is something else though. He can be infuriating, but he is good at his job

all lies. Plus, the eagles have had a black quarter back for the most part of about 25 years. The racist stuff is bullshit

97.5 is sooooooooo much better than WIP it's not even close