Piece of Smit

I used to follow him on twitter, he would frequently tweet political takes on whatever. I don't like when anyone talks politics when it isn't part of their job or really necessary ie. Players, actors, writers, really anyone in entertainment. So I unfollowed; twitter is a wonderful thing, haven't missed him one bit.

Philadelphia Eagles: Kapadia and McManus, Philly Mag.

Les is a complete hack, and a liberal douche to round it out.

Those names would be fine, but they aren't overly creative, which is my point.

Love your name. LOVE it!


you sir, are a complete loser

please, I'd love to hear some of your incredibly creative mascot thoughts. Seriously, I need to see what you consider a creative and different idea

lighten up, guy

let me see that rookie DICK! (Things we said at the lifeguard headquarters) Communal showers are the best, you totally missed out.

I don't think you know what laws are

this may sounds incredibly insensitive, but can we stop acting like abusing a dog and abusing a person are the same thing

Is this article considered journalism??? Deadspin acts as the be all end all of journalism, and it constantly spews out garbage articles like this one that are nothing more than name calling with some other words spread in there

they must have used the last 30 seconds of this video to really hammer home the abuse

lol, since when is the eagles O-line shitty?

"Deadspin"...ya right. Everything written on here has a bias soon too it. Also didn't read the comments and my comments isn't just about this story, I'm sure it's awful blah blah blah


read it from a recommendation from another commenter. It's just downright awful and crazy.

god, the winters are a pain in the ass

Jesus, that was the point of the question, to determine the why. Don't reprimand me on my economic prowess. Go back to other responses and you'll find the proper answer, bc yours is only a byproduct of the act in question.