Smiling Televangelist

Oh, cum on.

Actors who ejaculate on things they mail to costars? Because I can totally see Nicholson doing that, but the others would be news to me.

Only if he produced the semen by masturbating to photos of himself.

Pretty terrible, but also a seminal moment in film history.

It definitely awakens the Holy Spirit within me.

"I'm sick of this motherfucking God in this motherfucking bible!" - Sam Jackson playing the villain from the inevitable "God's Not Dead 3: Re-God'ed"

I am overcome with joy to see the Lord's word and His divine mandate being acted out by quasi-forgotten soap opera stars in the film equivalent of an unintentional informercial for atheism. It is just as He would have intended.

The fact that "Car" is capitalized means it must be a truly exceptional car. Congrats to your friend's brother's aunt's neighbor!

It's definitely the bête noire of 2016 comedies.

I would tentatively say "yes", though use of the phrase "dem titties" only increases the likelihood of acceptability not to mention the general comfort level of whomever is hearing the phrase.

Stop accusing other white people of white privilege via Tumblr.

What I always appreciated about Aesop Rock is that his music was often dark and abstract, which I think helps him go interesting places and goes a long way toward achieving critical respect. Macklemore, say what you will about him in any direction, has recently staked out territory for himself as straightforward,

What I love is that for a stretch of time in America, plaid flannel shirts were associated with a hard, menacing style of music. If you told a young whippersnapper today that flannel is the accoutrement of dangerous men, they'd probably laugh so hard they'd get a nosebleed.

Am I the only one who finds Camille Paglia almost superhumanly insufferable? Someone, I can't remember exactly who, once called her "Phyllis Schlafly for people with pierced nipples". In shot, Paglia is someone with a reactionary core hidden behind a deceptive veneer of contrarianism and edgier-than-thou posturing.

I liked 3.5 a lot, and 5e was also pretty well done. If you ever travel back in time and meet your 1990 self, let him know that D&D went through an unexpected revival in popularity nearly 25 years later that might have been spurred in part by the over-streamlining and simplification of contemporary video game RPGs.

Or a particularly effete English aristocrat.

I'm going to say that exact same thing to my kids one day.

If it's any comfort, apparently my Lutheran grandma was totally into anal play.

To be fair, it's much a easier shot than trying to hit Peter Dinklage below the belt.