Smiling Televangelist

That's certainly one way to rectify things.

Bless you, child.

[Dons costume that makes me look like an unmistakable anti-semitic caricature, proceeds to dance around the stage while rapping about love and acceptance.]

Agree with this pretty hard. If you're looking for Hollywood-caliber pyrotechnics of all kinds (action sequences, big setpieces), the show clearly does that better. If you want smart, satisfying characterization, I personally think the show can make a farce of those.

Spike Lee angrily tweets at the Twitter handle of Gavin McInnes.

"The Ridiculous 6 isn’t as awful as it looks, but it’s still a Sandler movie" has to be one the most cutting examples of damning with faint praise I've ever seen.

Is it because they're both chaotic neutral?

Which comic was it who said something to the effect of, "Inside the closet of every klansman is a huge basket of black-on-white porn"?

However, I hear their views on man-on-man fisting are very healthy and enthusiastic.

"And when you gaze long into the sex worker, the sex worker also gazes into you."

Bless you, child.

Tit-fucking can be a nice (albeit brief) change of pace, but it doesn't really work as the main course.


"The Agony of Reince Priebus" sounds like the worst Smashing Pumpkins song.

The AV Club

Is there also a spell for charming humanoid reptiles? Pretty sure I've worked with a few.

I always got the sense he was prickly toward the media and unenamored with the cult of celebrity, and had a characteristically sardonic sense of humor, but I never got the sense he was a terrible person/asshole per se.

"perfectly good reason for Photoshopping Michael Cera" = anything that removes Michael Cera

It's too late to turn back, we're pretty Down In It already.

Something tells me this film will get a cold reception either way.