Smiling Televangelist

Let alone his impression of an emotionally crippled person!

Yeah, that poem irked me. It managed to make an entire Middle Eastern independence struggle full of sacrifice and human depth about the American writer's personal hangups, while at the same time demeaning two people the author has never met and robbing them of their own narrative. All in the service of a poem that was

Great episode, outstanding last scene with Olenna.

Yeah, I was kind of surprised by how vicious that was on Cersei's part. As far as GoT acts of sadism are concerned, that still managed to rank pretty highly. Even with parental revenge taken into account.

I saw an Amon Amarth show in San Francisco a few years back. A couple of skinny Nazi punks showed up in the midst of it, complete with the white tank top getup and sig rune tattoos. They were clearly trying to draw attention to themselves, and immediately got surrounded by a group of 20/30-something metal guys who

It really was the perfect setup.

He even looks like how you'd expect a stock internet troll to look in person. Some twitchy, vaguely weird-looking creep with greasy hair and pasty skin whose taste in porn is probably the stuff of nightmares.

Milo, being the cynical, calculating opportunist he is, really struck a gold mine by aggro-pandering to insecure and emotionally arrested dudes who project their personal issues onto women. If you have no soul, apparently that's a huge market.

This is what happens when libtard SJW cucks inject cultural Marxism into America.

The High Sparrow apparently didn't.

Margaery getting wildfire'd may have hit me harder than any other bit from this episode. For some reason, that felt really, really heavy.

I think it's pretty much accepted canon at this point that Rhaegar and Lyanna had a whirlwind romance and ran off to escape their arranged marriages, and that the "Rhaegar abducted Lyanna" bit was invented after the fact to save face and soothe not-terribly-bright Robert Baratheon's fragile ego.

I don't think I've had a piece of television knock the wind out of me quite like the first 25 minutes of this episode. It honest-to-bejesus felt like I'd just taken a Gregor Clegane-caliber punch to the solar plexus.

"We… uh… we chose a band from the '90s because everyone seemed really alienated back then."

I'm still a little vexed that "celebrated veteran commander" Stannis went Full Idiot last season. I get that it was probably necessary to remove his character from the show for plot and script reasons, but still.

Yeah, soldiers from the pre-modern period generally weren't very beefy. If you were marching on your feet for a prolonged period of time and rationing out food, chances are your footmen were pretty stringy. Even soldiers who weren't on the move tended to be living off millet and simple foods, not protein shakes.

When Jon looked over at Sansa in the midst of breaking every bone in Ramsay's face, I was kind of expecting Jon to pass her a knife so she could cut Ramsay's throat.

Tormund biting a chunk out of that guy's neck and repeatedly stabbing him in the face was one of my favorite moments of the episode. It was pretty much peak Tormund.

This is a really good point, and I think nails a lot of the disconnect between Martin's themes and how it's rendered via HBO.

Yeah, which makes it seems likely we'll be enjoying Aidan Gillen's Baelish for at least another season. Which I'm all for.