Smilin' Desperado

If they’re going to go that route, I say go all-in on the madness. They remember, Lois is cool with it, they enter into an open marriage/polyamorous relationship with Diana and Steve Trevor, then Lois and Diana eventually realize their love for one another is stronger than for the guys, and they leave them and run off

Thank you for this. I also believed he was a molester, but I find it annoying and alarming how most people easily believe any unsubstantiated, unlikely rumor they come across. I hate alternative facts.

Aw, look everybody, she’s got her Professional Hair on! Oh, brother, this piece of work...

Pretty much. I haven’t even seen any real attempts at defending what he’s pulled. Just the classic, “he won, get over it,” “stupid libs,” or the occasional, “he can do whatever he wants. He’s the president, after all.”

Well, I guess I haven’t said this in a few days:

It’ll take time but it does appear to be accelerating. Going to take time to chip away at his cult of personality.


I’m also very much of the mind that if there are more sordid details to be known about Michael Jackson’s life, I really don’t want to hear them.

What happened to you Lifetime? You used to be cool.

For sure. I wasn’t really big into the show when it was on (I was 2 yrs old when it premiered), but I also understand it held a special place for a lot of folks. With that said, Roseanne does not need a platform these days, she doesn’t need uncritical praise, and the new show will just serve to paper over her

Only if the camera pans over and you see Bob Newhart revealed as hiding under the covers and he kisses Jar Jar.

I know that seems sky-high, but that’s actually quite the decrease among his base. That’s good to see because I wasn’t sure any of this news was having an actual effect. But it looks like he is starting to fray around the edges.

She is a fucking unhinged shitty person now and honestly I think it’s reason enough for this show to not happen. It’s one of my favorite shows, top 3 of all time, and I would be 100% onboard for this reboot if she wasn’t such a top-tier awful person.

I think the values of the Republican party have been on full display since the inauguration photo nonsense.

People have been crazy about what they love for centuries. I’m quite certain there was Healthcliff fanfic, back in the day.

My mother was, 50 years before the movie even came out.

Or “What if Clark wasn’t raised by protestants in the mid west, but instead raised by people of the same faith as Bruce?”

If you haven’t, I recommend reading this article on the actor who played Vigo. Let’s say the role wasn’t as big of a stretch as you might think.

My father is generally conservative (he is pro-choice but also pro-death penalty and favors restrictions on immigration) but Trump was too far for him. He also doesn’t particularly like Russia because he grew up in the Cold War era.