Smilin' Desperado

I feel completely bad for Barron. None of this cluster-fuck is his fault; he’s just a kid. His father is disgusting; his siblings (except Tiffany) are terrible people, complicit in their father’s cons and his mother can’t even bother to hide the contempt she has for his dad. It will take divine intervention to get him

this really fucks up my 400 page Skyrim/Zelda fan fiction, but whatever, I will fucking roll with it #skyrimsword

This is like us all watching Tiberius stalk past, and we mutter about the treason trials and how he wastes money... and then we see Little Boots scurrying to keep up with the procession and we’re all “Oh that poor kid, don’t worry - when his dad Germanicus - the ideal Roman - becomes Emperor, everything will turn out

Burt Ward had a grudge on Adam since the series, their relationship during shooting and afterwards was problematic. I wouldn’t put too much faith into those stories being truthful. Most of what he wrote in his books would be considered fiction.

My ex’s mom used to leave out unused egg yolks for the crows consistently. One day, she didn’t cook any eggs. When the crows came for the yolks and found nothing, they kicked up a fuss by loudly cawing.

Honourable mention for Amazing Stories’ “Mummy Daddy”?

I was eleven years old in 1978 and the Magic trailer freaked me the fuck out. The worst part for me - not shown above - was that Fats the dummy’s eyes rolled back into his head on the final line “Magic is fun! We’re dead.” And then rolled back again so he was staring straight at me.

Did you know there are rumors Tom Cotton has a boyfriend?

okay now that I’ve seen the packaging, they DEFINITELY knew you weren’t putting this on your lower back

“James was always cool” -Shelley

Seltzer and Friedberg?

To me the obvious solution would have been to just get rid of Boyle. Who the hell likes Donna? Would’ve made the show better. Though I do think keeping Audrey and Cooper from actually getting together was the right choice.

Who’s the villain in the next movie? Professor Warrant? Mistress Bulletboys?

Yeah Brooks is an actual genius.

Boy, to be a woman in her 70s  and not just wearing such an outfit, but pulling it off as well, is nothing short of amazing.

I was gonna say that Mel Brooks is actually witty. Apparently the Scary Movie series was created by the Wayans brothers.

The Wayans brothers?

What a dumb period in history we live in.

Are they doing the YMCA dance in that photo? They are, aren’t they? Well, even if they aren’t, that’s what they’re doing now.