Smilin' Desperado

What is that on the pram above the rosettes? Because from here, it looks like she cut out pictures of her and Donny’s heads from a magazine and pasted them on as extra decoration. Which seems about right.

Instead of a description of the word “tacky” the 2018 dictionaries should just replace it with this picture. We’d get it.

That just hurts my eyes. I don’t get it.

Doesn’t this defeat the purpose of having a baby carriage?

BAHAHAHAHAHAH!! I cannot see Jacobs’ name and not think of Angel.

He saw Angel smoking and he thought it looked cool.

Guys,she is 19 years old!!! Give her a break, for goodness sake!!!

Only a moron holds a bridle like that Pence.

I was checking out the pics and it seems like many people think Cotton Hill looks like a number of GOP reps. I wonder why that is. lol

My brother will forever insist Pence looks like Cotton Hill from KOTH. So I thought I’d send you a reply w/Cotton’s image. While scrolling through Google Images I found this.

I had shivers down my spine reading that.

I’m so glad Katy is doing more substantive music now. Like this kind of gross, ham-fisted oral sex metaphor one. 🙄

If I had to spend even 10 minutes a day in Donald Trump’s presence for four months, I’m pretty sure the part of my brain that deals with language would have turned into mush by the end.

Hopefully this series will be popular enough that it will induce DC to reprint the original Fourth World comics. Those nice hardbacks from a decade or so ago are OOP and quite expensive used.

Based on what little I’ve read about her, she’s a serial D-list starfucker.

Do you sleep with a different rapper every week?

ABC needs to lure 45 away from the WH with a promised judge gig. He’d do it in a second, he’s so thirsty for attention and adulation.

Make American Idol Great Again

We are all Kylie.

Would you want to be?