Smilin' Desperado

Hot take.

I’ve gone to sleep with Starcrash and Yongary on several times. Also the Wizards of the Lost Kingdom saga.

It’s not a coincidence! I maintain that Sansa is basically Margaret Beaufort. Forced to live at an enemy court and marry into the enemy she kept her Stark/Lancaster loyalties buried inside.

She was one of best things in Constantine. The other being Peter Stormare as the devil.

LMAO actually, that’s not half bad haha. She could play all of the Endless, that’s for sure. But I need a real swaggering, kickass Hob Gadling.

Star Wars: Cenobites in Space


Then please take it down. Mr. Hamm has stated that he does not like these pictures. It would be like constantly showing a picture of a woman with large breasts who does not want her breasts shown and is just going about her day wearing regular clothes. Just like no one has any business telling her what type of bra,

Ha. I don’t think I caught that at the time (though maybe I did... it’s been a few years).

Is it possible to catch someone with your loins? Seems like that could be a good skill set to have.

Hold on, when does Delirium make an appearance in American Gods? I don’t remember that from the book...

I visited my family overseas one time and came back and everyone was slurping down Diet Coke like it had been around forever. Freaky.

A police procedural based on Dredd? I’d buy that for a dollar.

I can really relate to that “cave person” feeling, I was asleep both times when news broke out of Robin Williams’ and David Bowie’s deaths.

But...naps are pretty fucking sweet.

I texted two friends, emailed one relative, and called my parents about it right after you sent me that. The world changed when I was asleep and was irrevocably different when I awoke and I FREAKING MISSED IT.

Nightwing has to stay good as a morality chain to keep Damian from reverting to a raised-by-assassin-wolves feral jerk. It’s sweet, really.

Too obvious. Dick is sort of a shining light of super heroes in the DC universe when it comes to true heroes. I for one don’t understand how Dick isn’t a Green Lantern or the White Lantern.

Say hello to Director Tiffany!

They actually did evil Dick Grayson during Devin Grayson’s “lovely” run, with him allying himself with Deathstroke, but they’d rather everyone just forget it.