Smilin' Desperado

Too on point.

DC Comics Thought Process:
Evil Superman? Injustice totally already done.
Evil Batman? Justice Lords already been done.
Evil Flash? Savitar already been done.
Evil Robin? Closer, but Red Hood already been done.
Evil... other Robin? Jackpot evil Nightwing it is!

There’s a person called E.G. Daily...

You really don’t think that’s Mars? Pretty sure that it’s the destroyed Nexus 7 colony. It never even occurred to me that it would be just a random red desert. I’m keeping my money on Mars.

Did you know that she is in a Lifetime movie based on the story of the Menendez brothers? It’s coming out in June. It’s going to be so terrible it’s good!

Had a similar experience. Night ended with me in the back of a cop car. Prostitution charges

Haw that’s pretty much what the “edible underwear” I saw long ago was made of, with long strings of licorice to tie the undies on! (This is so, so long ago, things have surely changed!)

My Indian Princess Barbie was better dressed than that.

Phaedra’s dead emotionless face while getting caught in lie after lie was unsettling. I see her twitter no longer has RHOA on it. I hope they let her go.

Tootie is too good for this nonsense, good on her for getting out. What this world needs is Regine and Living Single to come back.

i was thinking specifically of the comment someone made about scarlet johanssen smoking at the MET right there, but that might have been a few years ago.

I would like to see an ultimatum “leaked” and then published everywhere: get your people the fuck in line, or we will for real throw rule-breakers out on the street, A-list celebrity or no; and then watch the twitter meltdown over it; everybody forget; a whirlwind of passive-aggressive reminders just before next

I thought they might ask her to step down all together, or at least cut waaaaay back on the number of attendees.

Did I miss it or did they completely gloss over how he got down from the noose?

That’s interesting, I’ve seen this mostly in reverse. Most of the non-book readers are the ones more concerned about the slow pacing of the series thus far and the book readers are the ones enthralled and more forgiving of the pacing.

Yeah, its not a good thing when they just are blasting out pop music as their “coolness” of their movie.

It really made them sound like they care more about the politics of it than the people who may die due to lack of care. It pissed me right off to be honest.

So a bit like Koyaanisqatsi, but with more face rape?  

That was an unfortunate decision, given that the GOP had just voted to pass a huge tax cut by stripping healthcare from millions of people.

Some of the security feeds I follow have already unearthed interesting stuff - like the minor issue that some of the documents don’t appear to have come from the Macron campaign at all and were an attempt to plant fake material.