Smilin' Desperado

Thank you! That’s important news! 🌟

Ah, okay. I can see that. I never read much of the EU, so based just on the movie I always saw her as a victim of Jabba.

I watched “The Black Dahlia” because he was in it. Such a terrible movie.

There’s something very creepy about making lingerie-esque silk slip dresses for toddlers.

That mug shot (?) creeps me right the fuck out.

I didn’t know that! But doesn’t suprise me in the least. I HATED Lost Highway because every other line out of every other actor was “I don’t know” in a breathy mysterious kinda way and it was all so pointless. If the actors and director don’t know what’s going on why would I? And why should I care?

I prefer to think of them as the Gonorrhea Guys myself...

And like Oola, Melania will be thrown away when she no longer amuses him and he’ll put his golden bikini and chain on the next woman to gain his attention.

I very nearly went that route, and may still (Donnie the Hutt), but ultimately I decided it was just too cruel. To the Hutts.

It is a running gag between my boyfriend and myself that I’m that chihuahua/gremlin creature with the insane laugh (I do a pretty good imitation). I hereby promise to bite the whole lot of them where it hurts the most, every chance I get!

I have, every day since the inauguration, been creating and showcasing the best ways to call Salacious Crumb’s Body Double by anything but his given name on Twitter. I will do so throughout the entirety of his term. Here’s the preview for tomorrow:

I saw Harry Dean, so it naturally means I will love every nanosecond of this.

Especially if Harrison Ford is in the cockpit.

grace zabriskie is underappreciated. an american treasure. no one can do mild, insidious evil like her. she’s one of the few actor’s I’d actually be star struck to meet

But Jason...

That video has got to go down as one of the most y2k videos ever. Did anyone ever figure out what exactly she had on her head?

This movie was like The Matrix of comedy: First installment was awesome/fun and stood up to repeated viewing. The sequels, on the other hand, were just a money grab based on nostalgia and the dwindling good will of the audience.

Exactly,come to America and become an American, not a _____american,just an American. Nothing ticks me off more than these damn ancestry . Com come rivals where people “discover” who the really are I mean WTF your from New York not eastern europe. .......... thats who you are not some bs cultural identity

That’s like a “I’m headed to the grocery store, Rick. Should I pick up some milk?” look for her though. Hahaha.