Smilin' Desperado

Oh, please. Mikeyanity took most of its mythos from Mauroastrianism.


Is there a particular reason why people keep referring to Marsha P. Johnson as a transwoman?

If anyone’s wondering what my new avatar is in the work chat, it’s this.

I get a ray liotta from goodfellas vibe with a splash of Johnny Depp from fear and loathing. His facial expressions seriously remind me of somebody on uppers.

I have said this before and it never stops being true: Donnie sounds like someone trying to have a serious conversation on a ball of cocaine. I really can’t listen to him talk, and when I read the shit he said, he sounds like a puppy that has too many shiny objects and noise makers around it.

I wonder if his next work will be the Mona Lisa. Found the same way.

The capsule inside a kinder egg is yellow.

Because that would be a really boring movie! Same is true of war movies, they never capture the boredom because no one would pay to watch a bunch of guys sitting around.

Being a youngish person, I’ve actually known many people who think trainspotting is geniunely cool and they do glorify that grungey drug addicted punk lifestyle. Spend a few hours in the “grunge” tag on tumblr and you’ll find many young people openly talking about being suicidal as well as glamourizing depression,


4) Lots of people are addicted to substances supplied by their doctors.

Holy shit! That was Rachel Leigh Cook in that ad?! I had no idea.

......................You have got to be fucking kidding me.

I’d almost buy it if the art style didn’t just scream Modern Indie Game.

Maybe i’m just miss-remembering, but i’m not sure Killing Joke was supposed to be in-continuity anyway when it came out. I think that later writers liked it so much, they wove it in, but i’m not sure it was meant to be more than an “imaginary story”.

Objections? What objections? Correcting someone counts as objections now?

Tinfoil hat time!

You’re right. Or Trump just heard aliens and thought Mexicans and the CIA didn’t correct him and was like “Our secrets are safe.”

“What’s the March for?”
“Science and protesting people who damage/oppose science.”
“Is it inclusive?”
“Will you be discussing how non-whites and women are under-represented in science?”
“We’re just protesting anti-science and fighting for research funding. Making the science community a more inclusive group is a