Smilin' Desperado

Fun Fact: While the skin is new and some of the puppetry has been updated, the Kellyanne puppet uses the same hair that the Crypt Keeper puppet used 20 some years ago.

Bullshit. You’ve been screaming internally like the rest of us for at least the past 24 hours.

Yes. They literally see him as some sort of punishment for Democrats and liberals (e.g. “Keep it up, you’re giving him another four years,” comments.) Maybe his older supporters genuinely buy his shit, but his younger supporters are just doing it to troll and get lulz by destroying our democracy.

Sorry, but he did not have any material of that sort. (And for the record, I believe he 100% he sexually abused children.) The “child pornography” and “torture/gore images” found in the police raid were from handful of art books (among thousands) that you can buy on Amazon or down at Barnes & Noble that featured works

His supporters will never admit that they’re wrong, at this point they’re just supporting him out of spite.

 I’m also very much of the mind that if there are more sordid details to be known about Michael Jackson’s life, I really don’t want to hear them.

And then the camera cuts to Roseanne Barr, dressed as George Lucas, writing at her desk.

I think the show was lucky that it had amazing writers (including a young Joss Whedon) and when Roseanne became the domineering force behind the scenes, they were able to filter her thoughts and opinions.

Counterpoint: If you go back and read/watch some of the interviews she gave at the height of Roseannemania, she was always a shitty person prone to viewpoints that could be best described as...wackadoo.

At one point, I believe while the show was filming it’s first season before she had any sort of clout to throw

Oh, I know. And it was like 97% back in late March. Ten points (at least because I’ve not seen any post-Comey firing polls) in two months is free fall.

Does the US bankroll Britain the way that it does Israel? When was the last time Britain sent their Prime Minister over to ask for money/supplies the way Israel does?

Have you sat down and read about how Trump giving out classified information came about? Supposedly, he went off script (because of course he needs a

This is fun. “What if he was raised by wolves and had a panther and a bear, that behave like Felix and Oscar from The Odd Couple, as best friends and mentors? And what if Lex Luthor was a tiger?” Look at me, I’m writing an Elseworld.

Oooh, torn between Emperor Pulpatine and their best buddy Israel. I do not envy the Republicans right now.

I get that. But I think the Wired article focuses specifically on fandom in the age of the internet where fandom is represented by things like Bronies, and in that respect an art house period drama about a lesbians, that’s also a love letter to the films of Douglas Sirk, is pretty fascinating.

I mean, Harold and Maude

I saw a CNN report yesterday about Fox News (CNN just referred to them as a rival network) going after the kid who was bopped by Mike Pence and demanded an apology I don’t know who the Fox News talking heads are, but it looked like that Judge Jeanine creature and she was throwing barbs like “Liberals are birthing

Don’t forget the irony, Tim Allen is a convicted drug trafficker. He’s the reason they claim they want to build that stupid wall.

And Patricia Heaton, who coincidentally has a show on ABC that’s made in-house and didn’t get the axe. But yeah, it’s just a plot by liberals to purge television of conservatives.

The one with Joel McHale. I mourn The Soup everyday but isn’t Joel McHale terrible casting for that role? He could be a poster-child for metrosexuality.

My grandma leaves it on Hallmark Channel for her dogs during the day, from what I’ve gathered when no one bothers to change the channel is one of the daughters did get pregnant as a teen, kept the baby, and (it should be stressed that she has like 12 family members helping her raise the baby) managed to go to college

Power Ranger/Sentai villains are insanely polite. Notice how they almost always choose an abandoned wasteland on the outskirts of the city to attack?