Smilin' Desperado

So, which Drag Race alumni is going to be playing Ursula? Ginger Minj?

She wants to live on land before she meets the Prince. She sings “Somewhere That’s Green” “Part of Your World” about her longing to live on land right before she rescues the Prince from drowning.

The guy who was the face of Vigo. Max Von Sydow provided the voice and I refuse to imagine he is anything but a gentleman.

On CNN, some guy from the Nixon era said that he could see the Republicans start to abandon Trump like rats from a sinking ship (my choice of words, not his) if his approval ratings among the base hits as low as 80%. In a poll taken right before Comey’s firing last week, it was at 87%.

Why are you so hostile towards other commenters? I’ve never seen a comment from you that is not an attack on someone or an attempt to start a flame war.

You and your friends were The Golden Girls?

Actually, there was a time when it was the norm for presidents to pick members of rival parties for positions because they were the person most qualified for the job.

Of course, that was when American politics was about efficiently running the country and not about political parties acting like rival sports teams and

Well, right now Trump has something like 87% approval rating among Republican voters and Trump’s supporters are a vocal and unpredictable minority. They’re afraid that they would royally piss off the base and don’t know what the consequences might be.

Oh, I see. He’s like Peter Dinklage in season 2 of Game of Thrones minus the charisma and intelligence.

It’s alright and you’re welcome. If you’re interested in the subject, there’s an actual book called Dictator Style where you learn that (surprise) all dictators have gaudy taste. Also, Saddam collected homoerotic Conan style fantasy art.

But will it come back to life and help us conquer the world if we drag it onto the funeral pyre of our barbarian warlord husband and mutant stillborn son?

That was at the end of April, the latest polls have it down to something like 87%, that’s still a shocking large number but not as shocking as the fact that it dropped nearly 10% in two months (give or take).

Now playing

At least Mutant X had the excuse that it was a syndicated programming with a shoe-string budget. Fox and Marvel thought this screamed prime time:

“Together we can burn all the cities of the Earth.”
“It’s against hospital regulations, dammit!”

Fuller revealed on Twitter that the Hannibal character and the American Gods character are twin brothers.

I’m not sure which you mean, so I’ll answer both.

The Melania photo is from a People photo spread.

The mermaid sofa was found by anti-Gaddafi forces in the abandoned mansion of Ayesha Gaddafi.

I bet DC Comics is really regretting that this promo they chose to release today.

Oh God, it looked it up and according to People it was a gift from Ellen. Aren’t those supposed to be gag gifts? I’m sure you’re not really meant to use them. The article also has this wonderful quote from Trump: “I love to feed the baby. Not because I have to, but just because I love it.” 

How could you drive the Wonder Woman car and not be tempted to make it spin around to a funky bass line?

I think it was for a breakfast sandwich.