Smilin' Desperado

Maybe not where you’re from, but ‘round these parts...

And North Korea is claiming they now the capability to hit the US with their missiles. I don’t really believe them, but the fact that they’re antagonizing Trump makes me really anxious.

According to a social media site, I posted that three years ago yesterday.

The state of North Texas anyway, South Texas not so much.

I wouldn’t walk my dog in Trump Tower. The place is so plebeian, they don’t even have a mermaid sofa.

Because she is a model and it’s important that she show everyone she has range.

It’s called “caring about the working man”, Sohrab. You liberal elitists wouldn’t understand.

That’s exactly what it is. I think the top photo is Melania (but it could also be Martha Stewart) and the Donald is hiding behind the rosettes.

I bet every time she tried to put baby Baron in the carriage, he would cry uncontrollably. Even though they spend 75% of the day drooling and shitting on themselves, even babies think Trump’s tastes in furnishing are tacky.

Or put it in their tiny apartment like Daryl Hannah did with the fountain in Splash.

Babies? New York? Seems like a good excuse as any to share this tacky ass picture that I’ve been obsessed with all day.

Dakota Johnson, Rami Malek, Marc Jacobs, Courtney Love, and Bella Hadid

Isn’t there a rumor that one of the reasons Lisa Marie married Michael was to try and lure him into Scientology?

Of course, the Jehovah’s Witnesses already had their hooks in him. If I remember right, before filming the video for “Thriller” Michael got permission from the Church’s governing body to make sure it’s

She grew up in a sheltered environment and (however well-intentioned) was forced to wear Mardi Gras masks in public. So I can cut Paris some slack.

Somewhere, Ann Romney is smugly chuckling to herself about how Pence is poser.

That’s really unfair, Cotton had some redeeming qualities. Like that touching moment when he agreed that he wouldn’t wipe Hank from existence.

Edit: And he killed fiddy men, sans shins, with nothing to fuel his metabolism but rat feces.

The guy looks like a cartoon caricature of an evil rich man...circa 1885. How terrible of a person does one have to be that they capture that Dickensian villain look in a single photograph?

I just hope his new job leaves him enough time to indulge in his favorite hobbies, denying food to orphans and kicking consumptive

And Tilda had that bond with Derek Jarman, the British art house director who passed away in the early ‘90s.

Surely it will rank among the oral sex greats like Ohio Expresses’s “Yummy Yummy Yummy I Got Love in My Tummy” and Warrant’s “Cherry Pie”.

But wasn’t he at 97% with Republicans back in late March? A 10% drop among your base within two months (give or take) isn’t something that should be taken likely.

And the latest poll with the 87% number was taken right before he fired Comey and invited the Russians to the Oval Office.