Smilin' Desperado

Jamie Reid “God Save the USA” and “God Save Us All” collages that debuted last week.

In the future, make sure that there isn’t a European country putting gay men in, what human rights groups are calling, literal concentration camps before you decide to harp on about how good gay white guys have it.

I think they may try to persuade the contestants which way to vote sometimes as well. I know that several times on Big Brother (another CBS reality game show) the contestants have called out production for trying to talk them into using the Veto or telling them which way to vote, and then the camera will cut to the

Famous people don’t pee.

Typical rebel snowflake. The Empire is only evil from a certain point of view. The Sheev was only trying to protect the galaxy from radical Jedi terrorists.


Well, take it up with HerBluEyz. Rebel Girl’s comments are out there, but she wasn’t wrong when she pointed out that someone else brought up circumcision and tried to say that it’s not mutilation.

*YOUR graph

I hope not. I want to see the mental gymnastics Emperor Pulpatine’s God fearing followers use to justify him skipping out on Jesus’s rebirthday.

Isn’t obvious? She’s an oversized fedora and trench coat enthusiast.

To paraphrase Seth Meyers: “This is what evil does to you. He’s only 31 and he’s already two-thirds of the way to Mr. Burns.”

Yeah, John Phillips is gross. He also aired (unconfirmed) details about Michelle’s sex life after her split with John in his autobiography.

Just in general, there’s long been rumors that he’s a Republican who sets his beliefs aside for the money. Similar to how Rupert Murdoch owns the official propaganda station of the Republican party on one hand and turns out shows like The Simpsons and Family Guy with the other. 

I know someone who worked for SNL in the

I don’t know if you’re familiar with Lorne Michaels but liberal he is not.  

He only became the top pilot on account of his good looks and willingness to make do-me eyes at anything that moves.

I miss the smoke breaks. That time Ginger took off her pumps and her feet were bound up like Peggy Hill’s in that episode where she competes in a beauty pageant killed me.

Even without the yellowface thing, this makes no sense. Rei Kawakubo is known for bringing conceptualism and postmodernism into fashion. When I think Katy Perry, conceptual and postmodern do not come to mind.

Do you have dirt? Is Jeff a jerk? He seems like a jerk. What about Julie Chen, have you met her? I’m obsessed with Julie Chen.

Oh yeah, now I’m remembering the lead up to Survivor’s premiere when they showed footage of emaciated contestants eating rats and someone’s tooth falling out from malnourishment in the foreign versions.