Smilin' Desperado

Someone did make that comment, they’re even here commenting in this thread...

Yeah, it’s crazy how people assume the guy who said he was going to fight the allegations, then did a complete 180 and settled out of court might be a little shady.

I’m assuming on a show like Survivor the participants would have to disclose their medical history.

I would buy the doll just for the Wickett and the Bespin Luke just for Yoda.

Oh, the dolls reached the market. It’s the wonderfully insane Bob Mackie style outfits that never got past the prototype stage.

Why waste such a golden opportunity?

I’d like to take this moment to share my new favorite Twitter account devoted to taking the piss out of Trump.

I’m convinced that the only thing keeping Crisco in business these days, is it’s use as a lubricant for extreme butt stuff.

Yes. In fact, there’s an entire documentary that focuses on people who committed suicide by jumping from the Golden Gate Bridge over the course of a year. The filmmakers estimate that there was at least one suicide every 15 days. 

I can’t imagine that a channel with programming centered around celebrity and myth-making about celebrity culture would be the most...stable environment.

“You wanna go to Klaer-El’s and get our ears pierced?”

I get that’s cool to hate on anything that was nominated for an Oscar