
AV Club existential crisis over here!

This is one of the least glowing reviews I’ve read so far actually. 

I can’t keep track. Do we actually believe AVClub reviews anymore? Is this movie actually good? Does any staff here actually get what the community enjoyed anymore?

That’s not what centrism is?

Weirdly optimistic of them to think there is still going be an “Oscars” in ten years.

Brilliant episode, I just wish I hadn’t seen E’s suicide coming a mile away. If that expectation had been subverted, it would have been perfect.

I still use a CRT monitor, so I can’t wait to watch this tomorrow. 

I don’t hate Jimmy Fallon because he doesn’t entertain me. I hate Jimmy Fallon because he is a hack who has failed upward into fame and fortune. If you don’t critically analyze the world around you, I’d contend that you are entirely missing the point.

Narcos, Black Lightning, Stumptown, The Deuce, Sense8

I’m not usually a fan of the “This was deep actually and you just didn’t get it” response to criticisms of intentionally obtuse media. But in this case, it was deep actually, and you just didn’t get it.

Don’t think I didn’t notice your re-use of songs from The Stick of Truth, South Park.

Yeah, I’m not sure the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame has earned Dolly Parton.

I liked this one a lot. It might not be good enough to push into A territory, but I’d say a definite B+.

I thought this episode was hilarious. But if I had watched it maybe five or ten years ago, I don’t think it would have seemed as funny to me. Oh, I would have gotten the whole “teenagers are a pain in the ass” thing (I was one once myself, after all) but until I actually had the “joy” of parenting a young male through

I made the same comment in the latest Jackass review. There’s nothing wrong with just base-level lizard-brain humor done well. I’d be more worried if I couldn’t laugh at it anymore.

“Putin? It was just a little noise when I pulled out. Nobody was pootin’, okay?

But think of all the athletes who train their whole lives for . . .
oh wait, yeah they can probably take all that talent and do something else.
Maybe make some money.

Let's just all decide as a planet right now that the Olympics suck and we shouldn't have them anymore. 

i was in high school when the first ice age came out and my girlfriend and i saw it on a date. it was fine, but it gave me one of my all-time favorite movie memories: 

the whole shtick is that in the presence of Kyle Cartman becomes toxic. By moving away Cartman become decent; and became shitty again when reunited with Kyle. In the “corrected” reality they never really get away from each other so the reality much grimer for Cartman.