
Just want to go on the record and say that putting a wire across a parking lot seems really bad. Not Jay’s fault.

Muniz doesn’t have that severe brain damage - that whole thing was wildly overstated which Muniz himself has confirmed recently. And saying that someone is likely to be a sex predator because they are related to a sex predator is flat-out ridiculous.

I was wondering this and yours is a good explanation. I was just thinking that will all the significant changes they made, why not just make a completely different show about mystery solvers that maybe “suggests” the well-known show but is it’s own thing. Like, I dunno, Dicktown or the Donald Glover movie Mystery Team.

Given the current state of HBO/Discovery, which seem to have a feeling of disdain towards animated projects, I think we can only expect to see more of this.

Yes! Thanks for putting your finger on it. Its the classic “I have an idea, but if I don’t drape some known IP on it no one is going to show up.”

This feels like one of those where a creator had a concept that they couldn’t get made, and so they grafted it onto an existing property. That can sometimes work, but hanging a lampshade on “this isn’t your grandfather’s scooby doo” in the promo isn’t the best sign.

I like how they said you couldn’t make Scooby Doo funny in an Adult cartoon. He’s a talking dog with a speech impediment that eats comically large sandwiches with weird ingredients in one bite and is owned by a guy named Shaggy. I’m not a comedy writer but seems like you got a lot to work with there.

Right, well put, at least they have more context and vocabulary and role models both in media and likely a few other people in their school/family.

even as a 90s bb queer, it wasn’t just social suicide, it really drove this deep desire to die by suicide too. Having that ingrained as a child persists.

People who didn’t live through that time don’t realize how terrifying it could be for a kid who MIGHT be gay. To even be perceived as gay was social suicide at that age. As someone who grew up in those times with no interest in sports and a deep love of The Cure, I was called the “f-word” and its various iterations

Agreed. In terms of the show itself, I’ve always appreciated the subtlety, but with Schnapp’s coming-out it’s also clear that it was the right decision in terms of protecting the actor from really inappropriate personal scrutiny. If Will’s sexuality had been obvious the whole time, and he’d been forced to respond to

I’ve actually been really happy with how ST has handled Will’s sexuality

And if you can’t find a willing adult, ask yourself what you need to change about you to make people willing rather than trying to make it their fault for denying you the sex you think you are owed.


I’ve seen a thousand people say the same thing, that Martinet’s Mario couldn’t carry a movie. But like... the dude’s a real voice actor. He’s also a human man who can speak in full sentences when the situation calls for it. I have no doubt he could hit the happy medium voice for a Mario who’s believably from the real

This looks fun, I love that Mario’s training involves running a Kaizo Mario-style course. I am kinda creeped out by the overall look - the designs are very, very close to the source material but not quite, but that’s more because the image of Mario and the rest is pretty much burned down into my head to an extent that

Jack Black, you’re doing great, no notes.


Wahhhh! Chris Pratt doesn’t sound like MY Mario!!! This is gonna flop because me and all my thirty year old childless friends are NOT going to see this!!!

Oh great, get ready for round two of “Wahhhh! Chris Pratt doesn’t sound like MY Mario!!! This is gonna flop because me and all my thirty year old childless friends are NOT going to see this!!!”

So he’s makin’ movies, playin’ cahds & foightin’ ‘round the world!