
Ending is definitely up to interpretation, though I wouldn’t have been mad had the final scene been the 4 of them driving off into the sunset eating Popeye’s. But my take on it was Darius was in the real world. The episode actually gives you a lot of backstory about Darius that we haven’t gotten before. The girl

Another sitcom with the damn “will they won’t they?” BS.  Just ONCE I want the answer to be NO, NO they won’t. 

Oh definitely. We had one we could walk to from our duplex and that was a weekly ritual that I think back happily on. Even so, I do find myself seeing that blue and yellow pattern in the background up there and sighing wistfully. 

Nostalgia for Blockbuster isn’t necessarily about the the brand itself. It’s nostalgia for walking into a video store, browsing the isles, picking out some candy and going home to watch it on a Friday night. Or in my case, picking out a game rental and ordering pizza with my friends. Either way, replace Blockbuster

It’s funny to see the nostalgia for Blockbuster—even I’m guilty of it!—when at the time Blockbuster was huge THEY were the big bad guy for running the little Mom and Pop video stores out of business.

For eff’s sake, can you PLEASE include the place we can watch it in the review box? Many of us scroll down to see the grade, but skip the article so we can watch with fresh eyes. It’s so simple, just add a line that says Netflix or Disneymountcock+ or whatever. We’ve been asking for this FOREVER.

George Lopez kicked Carlos Mencia’s ass multiple times. That’s a pretty funny mental image. 

To be fair, no one told Perry life was gonna be this way. 

I went from probably won’t watch to actually might watch!

almost lost me at “Tim Burton”, but got me back with “castrated by piranhas”

Exactly, sex scenes in and of themselves weren’t the issue. It was the way they were implemented and how obviously filtered through the (straight) male gaze they were.

The problem was never really the sex scenes, just the sheer number of times that nude women were just...standing there for no reason. It just felt pathetic.

Do we need another sex scene?”

It’s obviously Dan Schneider, about whom rumors have been rife for years, that he used his shows and his twitter accounts to indulge in fetish and to exploit underage actors. And then there are the circumstances surrounding his sudden exit from Nickelodeon.

It’s such a vague term. How could we possibly guess who she means?

Its so she doesn’t get sued by the creep. 

That big gust of air was my exhale that Lena Dunham is done as a mainstream star and movies and television are better for it.

Here’s a good time to point out that Dunham has, many times, been a magnet for unjust criticism.”

Dang it, now I really do have to make some time to watch season 4.

If you see one it’s to late.  It means there are like a thousand living in you walls.