
Kaitlin Olsen should have multiple Emmys just for being the epitome of class and elegance as Sweet Dee

That “Mac Finds His Pride” didn’t win an Emmy (wasn’t nominated, IIRC) is proof positive that the Emmys ain’t shit.

This ranks pretty high on the scale of “completely unnecessary remakes”. Not only is the original amazing, it requires next-to-no dialogue to follow/enjoy. What exactly was it about “zombies on a train” that got lost in translation?

Yeah, I have no particular for nostalgia for Blockbuster. Video rental stores in general? Yeah, sure. That’s a unique experience, and I’m sure Blockbuster was the only game in town for some folks out there. But it sucked.

Amazon should do a series about Sears!

A friend of mine used to work at the local Blockbuster during college. She hated it so much she called it "Cockbuster."

Honestly, kudos to the Miramax lawyer way back in 1994 who thought to include a clause in Tarantino’s contract forbidding “the sale of any hypothetical electronic Ponzi-scheme bullshit distributed via modem on the AOL Online system of tubes known as the World Wide Web”.

I don’t think “incompetent government hides truth from the people” is an “alt-right delusion,” so much as a “historically documented fact.” The alt-right folks have enough legitimate delusions that we don’t need to avoid talking about, satirizing, and/or dealing with real problems just because crazy people also think

I think it’s a bad idea to approach any work of art as a civic duty.

I was thinking about this recently. Documentaries like this are obviously a huge bummer to me, but at the same, the information is important. Even if you are not (and likely won’t be) guilty of anything near as evil as what’s depicted in these documentaries, is it selfish of me NOT to watch them? By watching them and

Dennis - vaccinated because he is a hypochondriac

You’re overlooking her most serious crime: that celebrity sing-along Imagine video.

Gal Gadot is one of the most out of touch people on the planet and a supporter of ethnic cleansing.  Fuck Gal Gadot.

They’re still out there. Openly planning — openly continuing — their coup efforts.

If their objective was to bring in a host that has no talent, comedic timing, screen presence, or even pop culture relevance, then it’s a good thing Steve Forbes was too busy this week to come back.

When people visit Albuquerque, they’re always kind of amazed that Taco Bell exists here, but this is why. Sometimes we want New Mexican food, sometimes we want Mexican food, and sometimes we want Taco Bell.

As duly appointed representative of the Mexican peoples, I would like to remind people not to compare Taco Bell to “authentic Mexican food”. Nobody goes to Taco Bell when they want Mexican food. They go to Taco Bell when they want Taco Bell. Thank you.

More like Blunder Years.

But on the upside, I don’t think anybody will be surprised that Conan showed strength and integrity in this situation and stood up for his friend.