So which poor SOB top draft pack is going to be forced to play for the Browns next season?
So which poor SOB top draft pack is going to be forced to play for the Browns next season?
Blow Me!
Actually just being white can be seen as oppressive and a from of racism in America, especially to an African American. Having to live and associate in a society that still rewards white privilege over equality is a form of racism and that is the point Lebron is making. So basically if you are white, your inherent…
I don’t know what’s more embarrassing, being caught at a Jets game, or being caught at a Jets game.
They could have just worn them around the house like I do.
And forcing them to do the majority of the work in the oppressive heat of the summer. That’s just wrong.
How about Uncle Ronnie?
Thank god white people don’t get away with murder in any other part of the country.
The only time I have seen Sherman disrespect a city was about a 150 years ago.
Circle it a few more times and it becomes an olympic event. That would he huuuuuge.
But Jeff Sessions said that the only bad thing about the KKK was that they smoked weed and he’s a senator. So we can’t argue with that now can we. I mean the KKK hands out candy and picks up trash off the side of the road, so how bad can they really be.
Such a beautiful and yet tortured gentle man. I hope he finds peace one day.
So the choking continued after the game. Nice!
He’s just an attention whore, like he was during his career with the Falcons. Roddy probably looked around the league and saw all the attention players are getting for kneeling or sitting down while the anthem is sung, and said to himself, “Man if only I was still in the league, that could be me.” But since he was…
This hotel is available....
You honestly think Trump supporters watch SNL? Not really their thing.
Dockers and Milk stock just plummeted.
My guidance would be for him to immediately resign. That’s best advice I have.