if the French Press is plastic, then it won’t work as well as the more expensive glass one
if the French Press is plastic, then it won’t work as well as the more expensive glass one
if the French Press is plastic, then it won’t work as well as the more expensive glass one
if the French Press is plastic, then it won’t work as well as the more expensive glass one
I have a pour over, a FP and a Siphon coffee maker - the Siphon wins, hands down, then the FP and then the pour over
I have a pour over, a FP and a Siphon coffee maker - the Siphon wins, hands down, then the FP and then the pour over
poor delusional bastards - go piss and shit wherever you feel comfortable...
it’s like when you go to the movies and there’s black people there - or on the subway - they make noise, it’s, obviously, part of their culture...
black face...oh my...
why would anyone give a shit about the first time you wankers got high?
that’s some intrepid reporting - I gather he’s a fan because he’s wearing their hat...
bitchy and picky...
on the accurate basis that the American flag is a symbol of oppression and tyranny - I suppose - but when a ball player is inspired by a petty criminal and pimp - Malcolm X, is it really symbolism you eant to explore - you’re like everyt self-hating mud person: you hate america, but you live here, and you’re too much…
considering that one can never distinguish the victim except by her underwear, why is this a big deal?
it’s just important to cast a a kneegrow in a movie - but the right kind of kneegrow.
but Jezebel is a ladies blog full of “writers” who ARE gender conflating skanks...
trans racial is the sign of a mental disturbance - much like trans gender but the vanguard hasn’t approved trans racial yet -
Internet rage - it’s all the rage - and about as impotent as your great granddaddy...
I imagine you could drive a truck up into “her” ass...
In case you need to figure out if the New York Post is a reputable news source...
your analogy is incorrect - and pretty fucking stupid
there’s white people so there must be racism - not enough black zombies?
I didn’t feel so strongly about the finale - but then again, I’m not a gawker loser...