
My husband told me a story about George W. that changed my mind about him. When 9/11 occurred, some in his cabinet wanted to put Muslims in internment camps, and told the president that doing so would be easy enough. George Bush told them ask Norman Mineta how his family liked their stay in Japanese internment camps

Moreover, they wanted all kinds of attention, for their religious cause-they wanted the attention they got it. I have no problem with this.

Who the hell cares what these two assholes do?

Your right! We should lower the age limit of legal drinking to thirteen all over then US because alcohol enhances decision making in teens.

You are a piece of stupid shit.

Only a guy who has beans and weenies would do this.

Why did anyone have to know this? They were married.

Were you in an alternate universe? I remember people REALLY being angry about the US going to war in Iraq, and lots of protests against the whole thing.

and that's how I get students in my classroom whom parents treat like baggage.

Didnt end up the way she though it would.