Watch the Grizzlies, dammit

Despite myself, I still think this guy is fun.


I think it would be very wise and good for the Magic to pick up raggedy ass Chandler Parsons and his absurd contract. Really. Please.

Am I lying?

Not everyone cares about minor league basketball.

The only way to stop it is to shorten the season.

Oh, you’re just being pedantic. Got it.

If there are no fans, there are no teams.

Players should play every night they aren’t a 65-70 game season. There’s no basketball reason for there to be so many damn games. That’s what this is about.

Why do you think the league exists? Do you seriously think that there are enough serious basketball fans to make all this money for the owners? The majority of fans of most sports (well, sports with nationally identifiable celebrities, anyway) are “celebrity worshipping casual fan(s).

Teams (players and coaches, anyway) have been pushing for fewer games for awhile. I think all this is to force the league’s hand. Notice how it always happens during a particularly arduous stretch. Because, otherwise, why not sit folks the game before the ABC game, or before they are in a particular city for the one

Hey!.....yeah, Nashville’s pretty bad.

That was my favorite moment of that game.

I 100% agree. LeBron has been extra amazing and now, more than ever, I believe the Cavs will go as far as he wants them to. It’s to the point where when they lose, I figure it’s because Bron is teaching the team some sort of lesson that none of us is smart enough to understand.

Ooooooooo! I gotta know now!

If you had never heard Moss speak, would you be calling him a hillbilly?

Gasp. You just stabbed my childhood in the head.

Not sure why exactly I starred this, but here we are.

I’m sure this is something that they’ll never never never do again

Shame because that’s a great name.