
OK off topic but I loved her in “PHC”. It made me sadder watching her struggle after I saw that.

I’m just waiting for some fanboy to crawl out of the subReddit Dead Marshes into the mainstream to remark that if these women had come out publicly 15-20 years ago, so many great movies might not have been made. Really, it was for the greater good!

OK, I was at the Como Zoo in the Twin Cities last weekend, and they have a tropical enclosure where there is a sloth just living in there, slothing around, COMPLETELY OUT IN THE OPEN. It’s just there. I don’t know if it has a chip in it that sets off an alarm if you try to steal it or what.

This exactly. This used to be the best commentariat on the interwebs and a place I could both learn something and laugh my ass off within two minutes. I know they want to keep the trolls out, but those of us who are here a few times a week at most can’t really participate. Well - at least I know you read this.

I’m just an approval-seeker!!

I used to comment over here all the time. I’ve mostly dropped out over the past year - can’t get any lively threads going if I am forever pending. It’s too bad.

That third video clip is like a little documentary of marital misery. It’s so bad they can’t disguise it in front of the cameras.

Isn’t 3 Doors Down missing one of their main guys? Didn’t someone die? I didn’t know they were still even a thing since the guy died.

I worked with a devout Mormon who was perhaps the best juvenile social worker I’ve ever known, and he had the most ridiculously subversive sense of humor. He would exchange Tippy Turtle videos with me on his county email system, and send $20 bills and Butterfinger wrappers through the fax machine when he needed a

And just try to imagine Trump pushing through something like PEPFAR that provides anti-retrovirals to AIDS patients in Africa, saving millions of lives. Nope.

And he’s a pussy-grabber of epic proportions. What he and his lackeys did to try to destroy the women who accused him of assault when he was running for Governor is atrocious.

And Shrub came out immediately after 9-11 and showed some actual leadership by telling America not to blame Muslim Americans and actually said some decent stuff that I can’t imagine coming out of Trump’s mouth. In no small part because his rabid supporters wouldn’t accept that from him. Did you see the rally in

The best comeback to this blackmail scheme is that it has generated a miles-long, totally unrelated raccoon thread.

I have actually had to evacuate a burning plane at O’Hare (it was not burning so scarily, the engine was smoking and the pilot went out with this hilariously tiny fire extinguisher and proceeded to look helpless until the fire crew arrived). The flight attendant yelled “Get out! Do not open the overhead bins ! Go!

Have you ever noticed how huffy the amblers and ditherers get when you cut around or in front of them after saying “Excuse me”? Once I stood there for 20 seconds (I counted) waiting for someone who was blocking the noodles I wanted while she struggled to make a decision and ignored me. Finally I said “Excuse me”,

Now playing

Janet is getting all the attention the next day, but let’s not forget the original nasty girl!

Can we at least have Obama, Trudeau, and Pena Nieto in their impeccably tailored suits and beautiful posture go on tour as a boy band? Jesus Christ, I would pay to see that. I am going to go rinse out my brain after looking at these pics of Trump’s suits by staring at the photo of the three of them at the N. American

And those “sponsored” links with the headline “[B-list name] is so skinny now and looks gorgeous/amazing!” It’s the exact same language every time.

It would almost be worth all the malware just to find out!

I honestly think FB has gotten worse about this ... about 6 years ago, a bunch of people were alerted to a Serbian nationalist far right page (translation: “Kill F****ts) with videos of gay men being executed in Iran. FB took it down the following Monday. Now it seems like this stuff gets excused and left up. I have