
Would you like to speak to the manager?

I’m just gonna skip straight to the main point here. I don’t care what’s in the book, I don’t give a shit if it changes anybody’s mind. I just hope it kills the bastard.

Or to put it more sarcastically, here we see the exact moment when a “good, orderly member” of society becomes a bad apple who is completely unreflective of the larger institution which he represents, and to which other “good, orderly members” of society need never answer themselves for. For some reason, this is

While his crimes are ludicrously extensive, I’m not down with capital punishment so hurray.

Cops right now are making the best case for abolishing police departments.

What I love is how ANY and EVERY white person is deputized to enforce their version of the law when they see fit. BUT when the ACTUAL LAW is applied like, say...requiring them to stay inside for their own safety, well then that’s governmental overreach. Lord knows we cannot step on their Constitutional rights.

I haven’t read that, but it would explain why he has been reluctant to display her picture in the White House without prodding. It doesn’t however, explain his hair-do homage:

Having a heart attack during a quarantine isn’t something you can blame on the quarantine.  You were going to have that regardless.

Race war? Overthrow federal government? White people lose their minds not being allowed to go to the beach or open their carpeting store for two months and all of a sudden they think they can tolerate the years long hardship that goes with Civil War: Part Deuces. By week two of the conflict, someone is gonna want to

“Won’t somebody please think of the children!” is never about the children.

Maybe ultimately the solution is to drop gendered terminology like ‘mother’ altogether. If it’s important that a birth certificate illustrate who exactly grew the baby inside their body, let’s just call them “gestational parent.” There, solved it.

Dr. Oz! I thought I heard quacking! What’s in your black bag of snake oil remedies today?

Today someone told me Texas would be blue, if not for voter suppression. This is the year to find out.

Oh, you mean like medical resources that are running super thin-to-none at this point from people going about their business doing things like playing golf as if there isn’t a pandemic ripping like wildfire through my Long Island community? Resources like that? Something important like not getting sick and spreading

I think even when this pandemic is over... I’m going to continue to steal “Non-essential Motherfuckers.”

Why should anyone have to be there? How is golf even exercise? Just take a damn walk. I reported the course to the State of New York, too.

That might be a possible motive for choosing this approach, and I get your frustration. It is, in that sense, awfully convenient. But I see some merits to the choice too, regardless of what motivated it, because I really think focussing on the complicity of the support system is a lot more interesting/potentially