
I felt the opposite. I was silently chanting, "Please don't show that," the entire time. And I believed her, because they hammered home pretty hard that lying is bad, and I choose to think that she unburdened herself fully—not only of her own sins, but of her worry for her family.

This one ends perfectly: "You've just got the wrong Kevin." Who's the right Kevin? Junior or Senior? Senior seems to think it's himself, but would he announce that to the woman who just tranquilized him after drowning a false Kevin? This show is perfecting the cliffhanger.

Yes, yes it does. This reviewer doesn't pay much attention. "When did Kevin Sr. and Matt become so close?" Uh, a long time ago? Remember the buried can of cash? Guess not!

They're basically throwing curveballs now, and it works for me. I haven't heard Richard Cheese in anything since Dawn of the Dead. Cash's covers (and the rest of his massive catalog), meanwhile, have been abused well past exhaustion since then.

Ok, so now a pair of semi-competent marksmen (and a botanist) are gonna go chasing after the same sort of critter that wiped out a dozen soldiers. I really hope it isn't as simple as the monster recognizing her father.

It's D&D plus Space Hulk. I'd watch a show based on that.

I can imagine someone asking, "Will people think we're ripping off Game of Thrones? Let's just cast a normal-sized actress."

This is one of those shows that has me always checking to see how much time is left, because I never want it to end. That's how I know a show is good.

This show may not be about its characters, but it understands them. The best part of this one was Holden restraining Naomi while Amos went to town on the chicken hustler (I had to delete "Holden holding," which just doesn't flow). Holden's boy scout sheen is worn thin, and he trusts Amos to get results, because Amos

I agree 100%, and yeah, Holden just isn't too charasmitic in comparison to the surrounding cast. It's a shame but the writing and directing will hopefully keep compensating

For a SyFy show, she's dropping loads of F-bombs, and she's not frackin' around. I think she gave the first legit "fuck" of the series in this one.

"Reminds me of Baltimore" was the sneaky-best line of the episode. The Wire made that place look better than it is. Also made me wonder what Fred's up to.

You've never seen the show, apparently, so kick rocks buddy. It's more clever than you've assumed over your past 20 years of not watching. Of course, I'm assuming you've been alive that long, so now we're both asses.

Ok, that makes more sense (I thought I heard "Kleenex").

If this were Game of Thrones, a certain character would have lost a hand by now. I'm not sure it hasn't happened to subvert expections, as opposed to the hassle of using special effects to make a lead's hand disappear.

Yeah, not smooth. Even if there were like 4 billion women on earth, Rosita would still be an 8.

Not now honey, this reply on the AV club is turning into a 50-pager

That happened right after Carol threatened to bury an autistic kid in an ant hill and pour a jar of honey on his head, OR give him cookies. THERE'S NO MORE COOKIES. I FOLLOWED YOU TO GET COOKIES. ME LIKE COOKIES. Yeah, why not.

They way they kept ambushing/bribing people with party invitations, I expected a Red Wedding. At least nobody invited the goth kid to this episode. I can't even imagine what she'll do next week with Chekov's gun.

The horse was a metaphor for Daryl himself ("The longer they're out there, the more they become what they really are"). It was also the first character I was sorry to see killed off.