Ex-Wife of Bath, gray since 2007

“I never claimed to be Jewish. I am Catholic. Because I learned my maternal family had a Jewish background I said I was ‘Jew-ish.’”

A few years ago the BBC News was taken to task for being so “both sides” that it went to extreme lengths to find or even manufacture an “other side” for issues that didn’t even really have any.

Hey now! That’s my local paper. It has two pages of comics. Used to be three but they shrunk them down to fit on two. Try finding a paper with more comics in the entire country. You’re right that they’re no longer “liberal media”, but try convincing anyone who isn’t liberal and doesn’t live in this area of that. I

WaPo is not “liberal media”.  They’ve gone so far right they’ve fallen off the edge of the flat earth their readers live on.

No it won’t.

Mental health checks will only weed out those society doesn’t want.

It seems like he goes out of his way to make people dislike him.

The quote derides Megan Fox for refusing to give Kim’s number to Pete; the basis for the derision appears to be that Megan Fox lacks standing to declare anyone ‘out of Pete’s league’, presumably because she herself has lowered or debased herself by being with MGK. In other words, Megan Fox’s refusal to provide Pete

Yeah, I don’t get why it’s cringe except maybe using the slang BDE and DTF?  I would never! lol.

Thanks for expressing 2/3 of my thoughts about this Dirtbag!

I’m not mad at this at all. After being in an unhealthy relationship, a person deserves some fun. Zero problem with her explanation tbh.

This is a pretty funny take, Jenna:

Kinda wild that someone whose willing to swap blood with a man who looks like a piece of string cheese that got lost in a Hot Topic had such harsh feelings toward Pete, if you ask me.

Right? As if she would never *deign* to poke around the gossip pages herself, HEAVENS no. But, you know, “people” Keep Her Informed and so she feels it’s only polite to respond...

I’ve refused to watch AJLT on principle, but from the reviews/episode recaps I’ve seen, I’m shocked Cynthia thought this series would be a good idea. She’s accomplished and talented, with a promising second career as a political activist if she wants to rejoin that arena. (I wrote her in for governor after she got

I loved SJP’s comment that she doesn’t participate in the public feud between herself and Kim, but people tend to keep her informed. Yeah right. 

Very cool yes good idea to never say anything or try to improve situations or grow or evolve.

Even though this is a”revolutionary” show, they still stuck to the same “sad fattie” trope that has plagued the plus size high schooler girl for generations. I mean out of all the young women on this show, she is seriously suppose to be the only one with body issues.

Yes, everyone would be better off not telling people how they feel. Just bottle it up and move on.

And I’m POSITIVE you consented to be drug tested — you just didn’t read all the fine print on the documents you had to sign as a prerequisite to being considered a donor. 

“She changed her name and her accent as an adult!“