Either the economy is shaky, OR $90K+ Ram trucks are going to fly off the lots. I'm not sure how it can be both.
Either the economy is shaky, OR $90K+ Ram trucks are going to fly off the lots. I'm not sure how it can be both.
Honest question: What about the other sides of the panels? The parts you can’t clean? Will it just remain surface rust, or will it start eating the metal?
Ignorant question: Can’t they be given a clear coat?
Then how did you read it just now?
My point is that all of that would have to be built from scratch.
The required infrastructure for hydrogen seem like it would make EV charging look like child's play.
Nobody will ever need more than 640k of RAM!
WT actual F? Fox LOVES Russia and Putin.
Hey, if you want to take to the water with with something that almost floats, I won’t stand in your way.
For most people, “almost floats” means “sinks.”
This is MAGA...
Because he’s an evil pig.
Trump makes Nixon look like Mother Theresa.
We don’t have to be active participants in your willful ignorance.
There is something seriously wrong with the Republican party these days. I’m not sure they will ever be able to recover their sanity.
Except, according to the article, you sold it for $24,500, no?
A non-existant solution for a nearly non-existant vehicle. Ok....
I’m sure the buggy dealerships cried too.