
This truck would have looked so cool in the 1980's. 


It’s stupid looking from all angles. 


No dollars pay for the legitimate health care of abortions, TW. That's the current situation. Tommy just hates the military. 

Thanks. Two of the three articles cite an actual profit margin, however both of them cite gross profit. That feels misleading, but I’ll keep watching. 


30 percent? 

A year ago or so, it was over $400. It's around $250 now. 

It needs to be put down. 

The door dings on that thing will be spectacular. 

But why make them so damn ugly?

What the actual fuck? 

Any list that has United at third best should be soundly mocked. 

The Trumpafacation of America continues... 

Or maybe it's all what Jesus wants us to believe... 

Remember when Trump said this about the revolutionary war? “Our army manned the air, it rammed the ramparts, it took over the airports, it did everything it had to do, and at Fort McHenry, under the rockets’ red glare, it had nothing but victory.”

Yeah, yeah, but I saw someone bring a snowball into Congress, and that disproves global warming. 

Let's toot out the Nazi's from American first. 

I’m just pointing out that DeSantis isn’t dumb enough to bite off more than he can chew.”