
Quite a few of them are in my position. Long time Xbox owners who are genuinely pissed off at Microsoft for acting like arrogant pricks.

If he likes the product then why wouldn't he advertise it? That's why companies like Apple pour billions into marketing and advertising. So that when an example like this comes up they're the first thing that comes to someone's mind. When you cut your finger do you ask someone for an adhesive bandage? No, you ask for

Two voice actors, one cup.

You know, I really don't understand the people defending the Xbox One.

With every purchase of a PS4, you get FREE BEER FOR LIFE.

How am I the only person who actually cares about automatic download and cloud saves?

It simply means that you have good taste.

But we're not comparing it to the 360. It's the Xbox One that counts.

That will void your warranty.

I think it means they're only taking input from one side: The publishers

Still waiting on a Dragonlance trilogy hollywood.

"I guess you guys aren't ready for that yet, but your kids are gonna love it."


"I would take the abject misery of slavery over death any day of the week, a million times over, and I think it's human nature to do so."

Hi there - former colleague of Kyle's here. If you look at his resume you'll see that he actually has held positions inside studios and done work that goes far beyond "pictures at videogame events." Also, with over 11 years of experience working things as both an external and internal contractor, I'd say Kyle's piece

"...most people who protests "sexism" in videogames and comics don't care about either of those things..."

Bullshit. How do you think they find things to complain about if they don't follow the medium? Shit, I complain about sexism in video games and comics because I love them and want them to be better and because

That analogy just doesn't hold water. The fact that bodice-ripper novels exist doesn't create some kind of equivalency. I don't want to have to state the blazingly obvious, but there's also quite a bit of pornography that's targeted at men; it just so happens that men generally prefer their porn to be more visual.

If you take a date to In N Out and she's happy about it, she's a keeper.