Thank you. For a reporter to be punished by a purported news organization for accurately pointing out that he was very credibly accused of rape, is fucking insane.
Thank you. For a reporter to be punished by a purported news organization for accurately pointing out that he was very credibly accused of rape, is fucking insane.
Dammit, you chucklefuck, your intentions were perfectly clear. You wanted to hurt and embarrass a total stranger because some stray gross impulse darted across your lizard brain and being a white male, you never even thought to resist or question it. You honestly expected her to find that funny or at least “laugh it…
“Tommy is a loving husband and father.”
I’m hoping for some Atomic Blonde vibes from the soundtrack.
Yeah, while being a woman of color no doubt handicapped Harris, that’s not the only reason she failed to catch fire. Her campaign was poorly run, and Harris herself kept flip flopping on everything from her support for M4A to how seriously we should have taken her first debate roast of Biden. She was not nearly as…
Gotta give props to dude for having the balls to call u up and open a dialogue.
Obama gave eight years of his life in the most thankless job there is and we, the United States voters, chose to reward his legacy by electing a racist clown.
Another close Obama friend said, ‘Bernie’s not a Democrat.’
:D :D :D Day-um, G!! :D
Does it seem weird that she has the same color in different intensities on her face, lips, eyes, and hair? She looks like she was dipped in a cheap hair dye and it just stuck to the wet spots.
But even though Braasch hasn’t seen the video, she contends that she feels like it would exonerate her, adding that the “supervising officer who came late to the scene...was very hostile to me...He began berating me and I found his behavior to be very hostile...I was the harasser instead of the person being harassed.”
Attendees pictured below:
LOOK AT THAT! Every year, they wore relaxed, casual clothing/appropriate for the weather, too. Jfc. And every year they have baskets and baskets around them filled with goody bags with multiple treats in them. Trump is so freaking full of fail at all times. ARRRRRRRRGGGGGGHHHHHH!!!!!!
I’d like to take this opportunity to remind everyone of the year when President Obama met Lil’ Pope...
Why do these people become teachers? I never understand it. If you know you don’t like minorities why would you work in a public school where you know you’re going to have to interact with them?
I was hoping for Tiffany Haddish. She would be AMAZING!
Right?? I love The Nanny and don’t want anyone rebooting it (it was perfect the way it is!!), but if we’re really going to do this, Awkwafina is RIGHT THERE with the right Queens accent and fewer felony assault charges.
Required reference material:
I ... I mean what the actual fuck?!
I live in the DC/MD suburbs and we have a guy who drives around my part of the county with a big “Stars and Bars” in tow. We are literally the blackest part of the county and folks basically treat him like the plague.