
It’s a bit of both. With the internet age and just in general more internationalization by the younger peeps, things like marijuana are a bit more understood by some aspect of the population. It being legal in some parts of the world, many people thinking its not that bad compared to synthetic drugs etc. But Japan’s

It’s viewed as a huge, scary no-no by the general public, underscored by a lack of experience and understanding and punctuated by how it’s portrayed by the domestic news media.

You can say that again. I have no idea who this guy even is, but I have to love him for having an actual human reaction. 

Bagged chicken is creepy. There, I said it. It’s weird that greasy hot meat comes in a bag that looks nearly identical to the one grapes come in. People have been feeling up your chicken through that bag!

I can totally see that logic. It also pares down training time for low-skill, high-turnover employees, at least until we get robots that can take over the job (at which point you can have as much menu complexity as your little heart desires and your inventory system allows.)

It’s pretty comprehensive. Tactics Ogre has a lot of options for character recruitment/narrative paths, and I liked the story enough that I wanted to make sure I didn’t miss anything.

Could be a “Dont you guys have phones!” issue. Will the amount of new players justify porting and supporting another version of the game? I can see the argument that if people didn’t already play it on mobile why would they now play it on switch, xbox, ps.

I’ve mostly played HS on iOS rather than PC, and constantly having to re-download the full 3+ gb game with every update was incredibly annoying. It’s not something I’d want to deal with on Switch tbh.

Here are a few I could use:

Absolutely agree. It’s almost like when D&D met with GRRM to find out what happens in the end, they only wrote down a 2-3 sentence synopsis for each main event or character and then used these bulletpoints as a framework for the plot without knowing how to connect them all together in a meaningful way.

Thank you! I can understand Dany becoming crazy, but the fact this is her first truly evil act, and it was to kill 100,000s civilians who had just surrendered to her????? Out of nowhere, imho. The plot has been rushed all season, I wish B&W hadn’t wanted to stop the show so quickly, it’s too hard for them to fill the

Yeah, I’ve been saying since they passed the books it’s felt like a SparkNotes version of the story. A lot is happening that makes sense on paper but just doesn’t feel emotionally satisfying. 

I wasn’t upset with any of the plot or character developments—Dany going mad was inevitable—and the episode was visually and technically stunning. The problem is that Game of Thrones has felt incredibly, needlessly rushed for the past two seasons.

Excerpt from notecards:

I haven’t been part of the problem this time! I have 7, 9, X and X-2 on my Vita, and 7 and 9 have bugs, so I’ve left those be, and I got 12 on PC last year, so it’s recent enough that I didn’t get sucked in, even with the cool new additions. Normally I am weak and I just buy ports. So far.... I’m good. 

I was at a bar, since i’m lucky enough to have no tv and a drinking problem, and for to watch both games simultaneously. It was sport nirvana. 

Dame hit that shot about 2 minutes into the Sharks-Knights OT. I remember because I was praying for the basketball game to finish before the OT started, and ended up switching frantically between the two like a small child on Adderall

I didn’t think this series had an episode left like that in it. Last week was all boring table setting. This week was a table setting episode too, but my god, it was brilliant. It’s what a table setting episode should be. It basked in who these characters are, and made so many beautiful moments from it. It showed what

It’s still immersive because all you see in your vision is game, and it’s 3D so you have depth and scale. It depends on how its implemented. Its kinda like a first person camera but you control a person standing a few feet away from you instead of yourself.

The first time was just to case the joint and rob it a little.”