
Most of the teaser posters are way better than the final ones

While it helps, you don’t really have to be a fan of action movies to enjoy ABz, they regularly go off on long tangents about such topics as: Rodgers train-wreck dating life/possibly being a serial-killer, nearly abusive fathers and Stanger’s college football career and the recurring bits are funny as hell. It’s worth

You’re definitely prodding at something that makes Hitman great with this piece. The only requirement to win at the game is that the targets have to be dead before you can evacuate. Everything else is between you and the hundreds of indendently-operating NPCs in a big sandbox. It can be pure stealth, scooby doo

“Dope” wasn’t even heroin in the past; I can show you underground comics from the late 60s-early 70s where it’s clearly weed. (“Dopin’ Dan” is not about a heroin junkie, and the Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers famous dictum “Dope will get you through times of no money better than money will get you through times of no

Some of them would some of them wouldn’t. The fact that you can’t swear as freely in a PG-13 movie as you can in an R rated movie fuels a lot of jokes in the Fred Savage scenes. Obviously that wouldn’t fit in as well if the new scenes were spliced into the original cut of the movie.

The first opening one sets up the fact that this is the PG-13 version of the film, and the next three or four lean heavily into the fact there’s no more swearing. There are some others where it doesn’t explicitly do this that might work, but really the Fred Savage stuff leans in heavily to the fact this is a ‘re-cut’

I feel as though I am in the realm of “slightly competent,” so I will tell you what I did.

Its probably worth noting that it also already has 2.1 million “likes” as well. Which is pretty on par with previous versions (the 2017 version got 3.9 million, 2016 got 3.5).

My recommendation would be to focus on practicing neutral dodges, do not automatically roll dodge everywhere on the stage, too easy to predict.

It’s not even the same genre, but I’m finally now getting into Overwatch, and I’m probably the worst FPS player of all time (I’m playing on PS4 like a damn savage, too). It takes practice, a lack of fear to hop into ranked games and take your beating, and if you’ve got a friend who has a lot of experience/knowledge on

I gotta hand it to Jacob.

I’m also amazed at the people who go “Reset means something specific in this show”. I read too much into everything and I still didn’t quite get that.

Possibly - though I think the security camera DVR I have at work calls everything it records “archive”, even stuff from 1 second ago. At very least, though, it’s almost certainly *not* a live stream from the front door of the Avengers HQ.

Yeah I never got the big whoop for the beard, not that he look bad (he never really does) but I definitely prefer clean shaven Cap...

I thought you’d be able to get a slice because it didn’t appear to be too publicized. But damn, I was very wrong.

I’m sure there’s an upper limit to when it’s OK to still do so but I think that upper limit might be like....age 5 or 6 or something? 10 is bananas

“not able to text over WiFi”

You’re not wrong.

That said, I’d argue that curating a “classic” console doesn’t necessarily require imparting an accurate experience of the time period. We’re very literally being sold our memories (I think I was six or seven when I got my NES, and around 11/12 for the SNES, so Mr. Kohler and I share timeline

Alternatively, “Man Bites Pickles.”

I loved the grand central station sequence playing as MJ and calling out hits for spidey. I'd play more of that. Also I'm so glad they went with MJ over Gwen. Those redheads...