
My initial plan was to go for the X - was going to pick it up today at my T-Mobile in Chelsea NYC. But low and behold no nearby store has the 256g version instock. We called 5, including the huge Time Square location. Ended up preordering the Xs because with TMO’s current trade in promo plus other incentives, I pretty

Is there some other context missing that made this actually about her gender? The YouTuber responded to something she posted in what seems to me like a constructive and reasonable matter. I abhor gamergate and really despise how much damage was done to the industry, I also try to be very supportive when women feel

That was criminal-action-comedy movie role played to perfection

Only to have Google come out with another gaming platform with a completely different name, and branding.

As an Android user I look forward to google pushing this initiative SUPER hard for a year and then completely abandoning it 

It depends how much you die and how fast you are. But it generally seems like an average of 10-12 levels an hour

So far I’ve done around 30 out of 80 missions plus some stuff I can’t get into. I’ve probably put 3 and a half hours into it so far so I’d expect 8 hours give or take. It’s actually more substantial than I thought it would be, a few of the missions are near or even longer than the regular single player levels.

OK but have they considered IHOB sounds stupid? I guess there is no reason other than familiarity that IHOP does not sound stupid, but do they really want everyone breaking that down and thinking about it? IHOB. IHOB. Let’s go to IHOB.

This. We’re not just talking about half the characters getting written out, we’re talking about turning the entire MCU into a post-apocalyptic setting. That’s not really something they can do, because it severely limits what they can do afterward.

You have a higher opinion of the Nexus than I have; there’s definitely been lots of broken stuff with images that show jack about mod functionality (or pleas for users to upload images) and half assed descriptions for me to wade through there.

Together, we have the power to RULE... THE.... WORLD

Absolutely. You don’t have to give it your phone number or access to your contact list, so it has no way of contacting others. I use mine for what you said - music, searches, timers, shopping lists, playing Jeopardy, etc.

Ever tried ‘candied’ pork?

This is pretty much one of the worst damn foods you can eat, but it sure is one of the tastiest!