
Mitchy 2 Spoons Nation checking in!

I learned on The Doughboys that of all the Costco pizzas, the cheese one has the most calories. That kind of blew my mind. 

I saw Kawazu posted this morning that an English version was being worked on but I didn’t see anything official. I’ll believe it when it’s in my hands.

Many fighting games have pros beta test under an NDA for thoughts and feedback. I wouldn’t be surprised if Smash wasn’t any different.

Last time I believe they got an hour or so with it right before the tournament.

They did the same thing with Smash 4 Wii U with the Smash Bros. Invitational in 2014. They were able to practice backstage that day for a little bit.

I’ve already resigned myself to the fact that VGK is going to win the Stanley Cup (maybe about 4 or 5) before my San Jose Sharks get their first. Then again, if we somehow don’t choke 4 games in a row to the Ducks then beat Vegas in round 2, all bets are off. (Would love to see that grand West Side Story matchup

“We have part of the aircraft missing so we’re going to need to slow down a bit.”

Bummer. I got my After Hours Premium Edition this afternoon from, but will not actually get around to playing it until in May because I will be taking an extended vacation next Thursday. Don’t want to be knee deep in Yakuza 6 only to put it on hold for two weeks.

Ridiculous and hilarious is an understatement.

So you start with the people who actually physically tested it, and then sum up with people citing the “facts” the first group disproved?

The mushrooms “soak up” water in minimal amounts, its mostly clinging to the surface. If this were a factor wild mushrooms would be a no go because they get rained on. And a lot of

Same, right down to the last “current” console I bought being the Wii.

Yeah it feels like this generation has a really slow ramp-up that hasn’t crested yet...and Sony and MS wanted it this way.

literally everyone is making a prediction

You know, I scrolled through all the comments looking for someone mentioning the Liebeck case as frivolous, so I could shoot them down.

“and then everybody started clapping”

That’s the perfect amount...for REVENGE! So, a revenge-based business model. Worked for Apple.