
Was the second one the Money Plane episode from HDTGM?

Baadher Meinhoff Phenomenon

That is the Baader Meinhof phenomenon.

Last Stand of the Wreckers would be a good first place to start. It works well enough as a completely stand alone series, and having read it will make certain storybeats of Robots in Disguise and More than Meets the Eye make sense.

You can start from the beginning of the IDW Transformers series at vol.1 which is Infiltration, with flashbacks of the war on Cybertron being in Stormbringer (vol.2, I think). And that’s good comics. There’s flashbacks throughout the whole series, but this one is focused on Cybertron. There’s also Spotlight issues

On the off chance I can post a link directly, here you go

You can check Tfwiki for that, search for IDW 2005 continuity. I recommend skipping the Hasbroverse crossovers (Rom, Gi Joe, etc.), not worth it.

If you’re a general sci-fi comics fan I’d say read the series More Than Meets The Eye (which eventually rebrands to Lost Light), and if you really feel like you’re missing anything, dip into the sister series, RiD, the minis, etc... (Or read the synopses on tfwiki).

IDW did work it so there are several points you can jump in - the aforementioned Robots In Disguise/More Than Meets The Eye books being one point. If you want to go back to the start of IDW’s take, then Infiltration is the first mini series. I think IDW have (had?) a timeline / reading guide on their website that

Same for me but with Wii U and 3DS swapped. I only got into the first dungeon after you get the Monado on Wii, got to the second big open area on Wii U then on 3DS got like 40ish hours in before stopping for reasons that escape me right now. Really looking forward to giving it yet another crack. 

Did everyone see the hour-long fundraiser variety show they did last Friday? It was really what I needed right now, even if it was a little clunky at times.

The Genki also has the USB charging pass-through that the Steel Series lacks. It’s just an ideal product. Does what it says without a bunch of unnecessary bells and whistles.

For what it’s worth I disagree - TW looks way better. I’m pretty sure XBC dropped down to like 360p or less sometimes on handheld, way less than the Witcher, and the Witcher doesn’t have that terrible sharpening filter over it that XBC had. Honestly XBC2 would have looked better blurry than with that filter.

A fair point. There probably should be a qualifier in the title.

Mashed potatoes are a blank enough canvas such that cheese and gravy isn’t a total overload. But Mac and cheese should taste of cheese and gravy sounds like a distraction at best, muddling the flavor. Of course this is fast food so extreme flavor is kind of the point.

Hey! I pumpkin spiced you into this world, I can pumpkin spice you out!

I agree on both counts. I always thought it was weird they didn’t have a traditional sandwich, and there’s nothing particularly unique about the new one, other than that it’s friggin’ delicious and surprisingly cheap.

I have genuinely not run into one person that wasn’t impressed by the sandwich. It’s especially surprising given that while I love Popeyes, my previous sandwich go-to (the chicken Po’Boy) is pretty mediocre.

I’ve been kind of wondering the same thing. I’ve wanted to give the Imp Burger a try, but I’m not sure if BK or some other chain would be the right place to do it?

I’m guessing that’s exactly what they did.