
I feel like they were going to have FaceID regardless, if only because the tech seems like way more than an afterthought, but I’m sure they would have wanted TouchID too, especially for use with Apple Pay.

I hope it supports different angles the way touchID does or unlocking your phone is going to be incredibly frustrating. The fact that it failed twice during a scripted demo kind of worries me.

You’ll stop being reminded of it when you stop using the First Amendment and its attendant protections as a cover for this kind of event, which doesn’t trip First Amendment protections in the slightest.

Tired of hearing the factually accurate response? Stop making a factually inaccurate, demonstrably farcical argument

On the one hand, it’s Ohio State, so fuck ‘em. There is no other hand.


I’d tend to agree a bit. FF7 was the one game that blew me and my friends away at the time (especially the CG). In my memory it does stick out as being particularly pretty. So does FF9.

Final Fantasy XIV 2.0 is one of the most incredible recoveries from pure suckage to top tier I’ve seen in an MMO.

Archaeologists were originally misled into thinking the remains were male due to the lack of boob-plate armor and a metal thong.

Any chance this will be pronounced “iPhone ten?” Because I used to say “oh-es-ex” all the freaking time and didn’t know “x” was said as the number for the longest time.

You mean it’s some sort of Jacob’s Ladder scenario?

The demo is just the first hour to two of the game and then it tells you to purchase the full title once you hit the limit.

I actually find it hard/impossible to believe that the actors were demanding a shortened season. Two reasons- first, they get paid on a per episode basis, so their pay this year worked out to less than it could have been (although they are all in every episode, which they haven’t been in the past, but whatever).

I enjoyed the demo more than I expeced to! I also can’t stand how the Felynes look in this one.

A lot of people have mentioned that but it never made sense to me. GOT is a license for HBO to print money at this point and the more episodes the better from their perspective, so I think they’d find the money - there isn’t a safer bet out there. Plus the episodes easily could have been - and definitely should have

He’d like him to answer for being black, obviously.

Yea, that was kind of the core premise of the comics: a group of baddies being forced to do missions that the normal superheroes wouldn’t or couldn’t do cause of their morals and visibility.

Related to the recent Star Wars news, The Accountant is a better autistic assassin movie than The Book of Henry.

so the japanese subway employees are the true sandwich artists.

It’s a pretty SW thing to have BTS issues. If I understand all my BTS info correctly, it would appear that the prequels had the least amount of production issues/drama(yes, there was a sandstorm for TPM)...