
Being a Jets fan is the only thing more excruciating than being a game developer!

Reminds me of a joke I heard which went like this:
Q: What do you get if you drive through Tallahassee real slow?
A: A degree from Florida State

NMH has a good story, but many of its mechanics are cumbersome. Wouldn’t blame you if you’d rather skip and play desperate struggle.

They added traditional controls for NMH2.
they make sense. both joysticks will be used for finishers 

You can play with a classic controller if you don’t want to feel the satisfaction of slicing 8 people in half at once with a flick of your wrist.

I’m holding out for a Command & Conquer Generals sequel done with a proper engine. The idea of the game was brilliant, as were the factions, setting, etc. More realistic than the goofy nonsense of Red Alert and more down to earth than the science fiction setting of Command and Conquer. But my god SAGE 1.0 that they

Yeah, it can get daunting. I started in earnest with Yakuza 4 although I played the first via rental when I was younger. Shout outs to Mark Hamill.

I know, right? Compared to you, they’re made of iron!

I mean, you’re offended by something that wasn’t EVEN aimed at you!

The picture didn’t give it away but the juice cleanse did I guess.

If this truly was a localization, it would be Death Notebook (Note being the Japanese term), given to him by a Grim Reaper in a black hood(Not a Death God or Shinigami). Sterling (To choose a more American groan-worthy name) would adopt the name Killer (Kira is the Japanese approximation). What this was, was

Before anyone starts bitching about SJWs and movements for inclusivity hurting their pretendy-funtimes without remembering that, ultimately, DnD is a game based around cooperation:

Well speaking of giveaways:

say it to my face

Well, it’s been a while since I did a manip, but after seeing G-Dude’s mug I couldn’t help it.

When I was a pro-wrestler, we were taught this: No matter how few people are in the audience, they paid to be there and deserve no less than your best performance.

He explained that the joke was actually a reference to his previous game, Ronin, which had a good ending and bad ending.