
THIS. Orange is the New Black could own the internet for 13 weeks per season, instead it gets about 2-3 before people are done talking about it. Breaking Bad’s final season generated so much pop culture in the week between each episode, but Netflix’s shows miss out on that element completely.

The Globo-Corpo-Homo-Judeo establishment. Honestly that sounds fantastic. I want in. I’m going to start using that for positive things.

It is really sad the progressive thought police stifle the speech of a political ideology responsible for the most horrific act of genocide in the modern era.

Now playing

I personally hope they bring in the comedy duo of Rick Allen and Bryant Durham.

Your statement regarding the “wave of applicants” misses the point of this announcement and initiative, really. You’re referring to the conventional system and existing pool that is already in place. Instead of settling for that, Blizzard is making the pool bigger. If anything, that gives them more opportunities to

This seems obligatory.

I would be curious to know if anyone’s ever said “This one is for the critics!” Creators obsessing over critical responses is well-trod ground, but it still seems ridiculous when phrased that way.

In Thor 2 they’re explaining to Jane how they’re trying to get the Aether out of her and study it and she quips, “Oh, so tesselated superpositions in a quantum field” [or something] which gets a look of confusion from the magical doctor studying her.

It’s played up a lot more on Agents of Shield where there have been a lot of interactions with earthbound Asgardians who get caught up in human affairs.

I backed the Ouya. Received my Ouya. I still lost. Lol

Whoever didn’t show up for the audition was considered a lock for the role.

“I don’t even have long arms.” Someone’s a Negative Nelly. Believe in yourself, and your arms will be as long as they need to be. Positive thinking, my friend. 

Feel free to roll out a new look, but allow users to use the prior look as well. Reddit is easy to navigate, and frankly if its not broken, don’t fix it.

In /r/wtf it was revealed that Reddit would be adopting Kinja for the new redesign.

...and here some grateful ‘raptors come to thank Charlie!

:sniffs: She’s here.

One thing that kill me, the damn motion controls stop resetting once you go above 0degrees on the up angle. If you lay down and put the switch above your head and try to reset the camera with Y, you will still find yourself staring at the sky. They also do this with the controllers, I have no idea if this is a

Yeah, MCs threw me off far too much to get into, so I’m sticking with the pro controller (downside is lack of perfect control like with a mouse).